music: semisonic The shattered reflection stares at me as a reminder of what has all been said. Shattered as the words and emotions have been shattered. We lay apart, hurting. I pick up the mirror and run my fingers over my peiced face and watch as the blood flows down and stains. My tears mix… Continue reading Shattered
Tag: stains
spider part 3
Finally,i appreciate the sweet foxfire of darness. finally, i shun the light. hurts my eyes, everytime i cried.
My Hidden Roulette
My body is the outer shell, to protect my prize from all the hell. The flame and torment I will fight, and use three figures, shining bright.
This girl inside me…
As she goes into her room, she turns on the radio, the same depressing tunes play the same beat as the song before.
Angel Slut
Angel Slut She knows the joys, of girls and boys, in Abrocrombie clothes
How many times Have i done this before? I never learn, JUst keep coming back 4 more…
Scarlet Stained
I wrote this a while back ago. I would like to learn ways to improve my writing. Please feel free to comment on it. Thanks. 🙂 ‘Scarlet Stained’I knew of you too well. The icy chills would run down my spine whenever you were near. Keeping my distance by ignoring your existence, I would hide… Continue reading Scarlet Stained
ThE DiArY oF ArKaDy TsEpEsH
God, in whom I put no faith, help me! I do not believe in You—did not, but if I am to accept such infinite Evil as I have become, then I prey infinite Good exists as well, and that it has mercy on what remains of my soul. I am the wolf. I am Dracul.… Continue reading ThE DiArY oF ArKaDy TsEpEsH