He layed there on the couch thinking of the cryptic and somewhat sickening tale of the past events that had occured in his life. It was a nightmare…or something even more bizarre. It wasn’t to long ago…that the horror started… …it started on his birthday. He was 15 and he decided to just go stay… Continue reading The Phone Call
Tag: stairs
What its Like
My ears start to throb I hear his foot steps downstairs Thump, thump, thump I hear him coming up the stairs I start to cry silently I pray to God with all my heart that dad is sober My father starts to scream “Samantha didnt I tell you o do the freaking dishes?” I close… Continue reading What its Like
Think Different
Joe hated everyone. Be it because their skin was a different colour, their hair was too long, or even thins as trivial as someones eyes twitching. He was most definately the most short fused irritable person in existence. One day joe saw a man getting the shit kicked out of him, shocked, he stopped dead… Continue reading Think Different
Think Different
Joe hated everyone. Be it because their skin was a different colour, their hair was too long, or even thins as trivial as someones eyes twitching. He was most definately the most short fused irritable person in existence. One day joe saw a man getting the shit kicked out of him, shocked, he stopped dead… Continue reading Think Different
Everything in my life changed since that knock came at my door. It was the D.S.S., they had come to check up on call from my neighbors saying that my mom was a drunk and left me and my 9 month old little brother alone all night long. They asked me questions like “does my… Continue reading MY LIFE (PART 1)
I hear the wind in the trees I see the darkness of the path before me I smell the freshness after the rain I feel the loneliness of this cold wood I taste the fear that I have for the unknown I hear foot steps behind me I see nobody, it’s too dark I smell… Continue reading NITEMARES
under my bed…
That night I went to sleep, not worried, nothing amiss, Even though underneath my bed there was emitted a slow, deep hiss… I treaded the floorboards lightly, ever so much with care, On my way to turn a light on, I was very, very scared. Deeming my childish curiosity, a very frightful thing, I crawled… Continue reading under my bed…
The Dream…
As I was walking through a deserted mall with my cousin, hand in hand, we were running from nothing, at the time. Just the dark shadow the crept up on us, we soon found our selves going down a ramp that lead to the mall basement. As we stood in silence and fear, we looked… Continue reading The Dream…
She should not have been tlaking to him part II
He stood there for a moment contemplating what she had just said.”Are you going to dance or have a breakdown?” He pushed away from her making his way through the massive crowd.They all had fangs,why hadn’t he noticed it before? He made his way to the back of the room and found a corner where… Continue reading She should not have been tlaking to him part II
My little secret…
He was my sister’s friend….about five years older than I was, and I was only 16. I had seen him when he came over to our house. The way he used to look at me, as if he has never seen a girl before….I must say, I enjoyed it. I would walk past the living… Continue reading My little secret…