Think Different

Joe hated everyone. Be it because their skin was a different colour, their hair was too long, or even thins as trivial as someones eyes twitching. He was most definately the most short fused irritable person in existence. One day joe saw a man getting the shit kicked out of him, shocked, he stopped dead… Continue reading Think Different

Think Different

Joe hated everyone. Be it because their skin was a different colour, their hair was too long, or even thins as trivial as someones eyes twitching. He was most definately the most short fused irritable person in existence. One day joe saw a man getting the shit kicked out of him, shocked, he stopped dead… Continue reading Think Different

She should not have been tlaking to him part II

He stood there for a moment contemplating what she had just said.”Are you going to dance or have a breakdown?” He pushed away from her making his way through the massive crowd.They all had fangs,why hadn’t he noticed it before? He made his way to the back of the room and found a corner where… Continue reading She should not have been tlaking to him part II