
Fallen upon all thats broken crying out loud to the Omen Bloody tears down the wall evil rising Hell has been brought Windy storms Lighting crashes Your unfaithful heart thrashes The devil in disguise Most unpromising suprise The sky turns gray it slowly rains Blood sheds, tears fall, hearts are gone, Your mind is lost… Continue reading Unfaithfulness

heresy blasphemy and sin

This is a story i came up with after a few nights of drugs and nightmares. It includes heresy,blasphemy and sin. You have been warned. He was pounding on the drums, obeying the damned rthym. He did not feel his lower legs now, double-bassing the whole time as the vocals screamed “Winter Hordes” with black… Continue reading heresy blasphemy and sin

In Loving Memory Of…..

I wish this could be a light and meaningful article, but I’m afraid it won’t be. My mind is so godda*ned numb right now, I don’t even remember my full name clearly. It came at me as a suprise. I was checking my mail when I learned that a good friend was in a horrible… Continue reading In Loving Memory Of…..