I drift in and out of conciousness… oh, the colors! They’re beautiful. (voices):But you’re dying. But I feel so good, the world swirls about, I am on top of it. I can take on anyone. I bet you I could even fly! (voices):There’s the window. Hold on a moment, I have to get naked. (voices):Get… Continue reading I can fly, Im invincible
Tag: swirls
I am lost Oblivious to the commotion around me Emotion swirls inside me Hidden from the outside world Anger Sadness Rage Despair Hopelessness Hate Love Need Pain Suffering Death The ultimate release Free from hurt Free from anguish Peace How I long for it To settle my restless soul Heal my wounds Erase my scars… Continue reading Release
convulsing brain shocks
i listen to myself think as these hate-provoked thoughts stir mixed emotions. i feel the need to scream submerge from my lungs and come out, sending screaching shivers down my back. i stop.
I hope i don’t have to miss her.
It was crusty and warm. Comfortable and i didnt want to wake up. But i knew my day was full and so would be everyday that followed, just as all the ones before had been.
I walk alone on this trail The air is cold the leaves are pale This forest it has long since died The sadness swirls around my mind