there is no god. There has never been a god, it is all make beleave. There is no god, but only a leader, a leader that has control. And control to do what they want, wanting to do something isn’t very bad, depending on what it is. This is my first time being on this… Continue reading What & who is A persons God??
Tag: there is no god
God, Evolution, or abandoment
I am sitting at my computer wondering if there is a god a great powerful being watching from a distance judgeing us and then i think what if there is no god nothing judging us watching us that were just here to live like animals that have evolved into this
I never cared about what people thought of me, what people thought of anything… and I never will, but what I am about to talk about is crazy. People get mad at me for not believing in God.
Growing Up and Losing Faith
I used to be a pretty decent christian. never went to church. lacked a ride. but it’s amazing how you can believe in something so much, just to have it all slip away.
My Story
I used to be a Seventh Day Adventist (they worship on Saturday) but I have given that up. I finally realized that I am worshipping a god who I have not seen and who has not done a thing for me. I finally saw the Truth and realized that there is no god.
Life On Earth