I have very strange dreams? Whenever I go to sleep I dream something. Most of dreams are some kind of nightmares. Well, you judge them yourself.
Tag: three times
the creature i have become
As I walk into the darkness of the alley between two large apartment buildings, near the house I was disowned from and sent to live on the streets, I stare at the sky watching for the creature to come. I have only seen this creature three times before, but tonight I have a wierd feeling… Continue reading the creature i have become
Looking Back at 11:33 (Part 2~Vengeance)
As a dull blade runs down your flesh I’ll laugh at your tears, now running fresh. And I’ll tell you to remember A few weeks back When you broke my heart Incentive to break your neck. I’ll kill you twice Maybe three times at best. I’ll put all my pain and sorrow to rest. Your… Continue reading Looking Back at 11:33 (Part 2~Vengeance)
Embracing Darkness
She never meant for it to happen. A part of her still rebells against the darkness…that side of her so enamoured of pain, blood, and violence.
Talena and Jasmine; seperation?
The year of that New Year’s celebration, Jasmine was sent to a charter school with uniforms and a total number of 45 students in her grade. Talena was gonna go to a public school, and for the first time since summer the girls were seperated.
The ANTI-Goth!
I have a tee shirt that reads something along the line of : ” I’ve been to Maine, Spain, Spokane, around the world three times, two World’s Fairs and seen goats fuck in the marketplace. But I ain’t NEVER seen no shit like this!” IT IS THE ANTI-GOTH! I have been a DJ for a… Continue reading The ANTI-Goth!