Erotica Belle knocked on Darrem’s door the same way she always did, “Shave-and-a-hair-cut…” same old routine. The house was dark, but she knew that he was home. She tapped her foot to the beat of the music thumping in the house. “What the hell is taking him so long?” she thought to herself as she… Continue reading Twisting Desire
Tag: threshold
Sensations send my mind far away from my body’s hold. Floating free, I soar upon wings of dreams. In these dreams I find you adrift waiting, watching for my soul. You pull me inside and we are of one sensation. This begins our dance.
“Never again” he said coldly, glaring at her with angry eyes. Quickly the girl who had just screamed in his ear replaced her smile with a look of fear. The look was justified, for his head was pounding and he was in a bad mood besides.
Shadows In The Dark: Part IX, Death of the Guardian, Birth of Anew
Life on AkiRa went on as if nothing had happened. Adrianna and Nathan caught a small glimpse of the real AkiRa before Malaki transformed it to be exactly like earth.
Soft Violin
In my sanity, my threshold, I surrender. Banish me from your family, a simple request from a faithless boy. A god to take my father, in my recklessness.