Humble and held together By rotting breaking strings Nothing on the mind But hate and broken dreams What once was but a splinter Has now become a tree Sticking in the mind What no one cares to see I stand alone on a beach With angry tides and benchful sands Blood running down my arm… Continue reading Final Thoughts
Tag: tides
Inanimate: Make me an inanimate being Golem, Not of clay or stone For these appear to long for life
I have dreamt unreality. Like a singularity my mind has no meaning, no physics can control it, an ocean of chaos with tides of half-understanding. Each grain of sand on its beaches has a face, a face of demented agony, they all scream with the frothing twisted water into a night so dark that it… Continue reading Nightmares
Love Martyr
October 28, 2003 will be the four year anniversary of the suicide of Alison. When we were together, the world seemed perfect, and any imperfections have seemed to just go away with the tides, or the waning or the waxing of the moon. I do not write this to snibble like a bitch, and pathetically… Continue reading Love Martyr
Cragged vessel hewn with thought. Who’s timbers of want are bound by uncertainties. Motioned by sails of desire. Bourne adrift on tides of need Winds speak words Tears on each waves wake. Would you not fetch upon the rocks To easy your load upon the edges To sail my mind no more To have this… Continue reading Vessel
wasted effort (classic end of the world scenario)
The tides push forward, receding, and then back again. Like an eternal flow they carry on: powerful, majestic, peaceful with an evil smirk on its face. Two years ago my last touch with humanity was snatched so viciously away; pulled from my feeble grasps of despair. I console myself with this journal, the last to… Continue reading wasted effort (classic end of the world scenario)
BAD DAY My mind is viciously burning. If only you could see that Inside my head it is pouring.
Run away
Im no good at writing, but i am trying, i need as much advice as possible. its meant to be about be alone because of other peoples views…… Runaway, the they’re beside you, Runaway, the truth is still behind you, Runaway, their still beside you, All they ever do is watch you,
Mirror Image
I woke up this morning and took a look at my face What a discrace!!! The cuts an my body and the scars on my face show the pain that you’ve put me through.
There are clots in me, stopping the vital flow, A river awash with lifes compulsary needs, An undertow, which pushes and drags me along, Some unknown selfish desire, from which we survive.