poetic the memorial of forever night a trickle of pain runs down the spine, and the shimmer of hope subsides. the knife that which u placed contains the poison that still remains. bleeding frome the inside out, forever night shadows my eyes, bleeding as i cry, the mixture spills on to you eatng away your… Continue reading poetry
Tag: trickle
Remembrance and Longing
Burning, quivering Staring into the junoesque Handsome face of oblivion Noticing the slight curvature In the features of her smile
I knew this one kid, im not going to name anyone, but I knew him. He was like my best friend. Then he turned out to be a real asswhole. I loved him like a brother, and I trusted him too. He was always there for me, during my break-ups and my family problems. Too… Continue reading Betrated
A cold wind blew hair into her face, unknowing of the brutal happenings occuring. She shivered, but remembered, soon she would no longer feel the cold. Her first few weeks, she attempted to keep hope, but now, she thought of nothing but the end. It had been 2 monthes now, since he had taken her… Continue reading Desolate
With the taste of blood from the last feeding still on my lips, I turn the stiff white body over and slit the neck, the person, unknowing and unseeing lets me run my tonge over the small trickle of blood, Standing up ,looking into the welcomeing darkness,with the breeze blowing through my dark black hair,… Continue reading Blood