My Beloved Night

Your call is powerful, Your Beauty Infinite Beneath your cloak of Witching-Hours I am Enshrouded, My Beloved Night You Sustain My Carnal Voracity and Tame the Beast within O’ My Beloved how would I survive if not by your Raven Empyream My Night My Beloved never leave me for I will surely Perish without your… Continue reading My Beloved Night

the unseen

I didn’t write this, but its good, i like it so i thought i would share. death went up the hall unseen by every one, trailing twilight robes past the nurse and nun. he paused at every door and listened to the breath of those who did not know how near they were to death.… Continue reading the unseen

my experience

The stench of death was everywhere. As the weary knight walked his horse slowly through the twilight, he could see that this village, like all the others he had traveled through, had been ravaged mercilessly by the plague. Bodies littered the streets, heaped side by side with rotting animal carcasses, and the gathering darkness echoed… Continue reading my experience