“i’m not yours you’re not mine” if you hadn’t done what you did this would have been a lie but for now this shall remain true you took it upon yourself to change me ionly one thing i had something, but now its gone you took my virginity i should have said no i should… Continue reading that one
Tag: virginity
My First time!
My first was not what usualy happens to a girl untill she is grown. I was 16 and full of life. My best friend(whose name we wont mention) had a show to do at the county fair. I thought that it would be nice to surpris him near closing time. So hear it was 12:30… Continue reading My First time!
My Lover and I
I meet my love at my home to have some company for awhile while my parents are out for the night we get comfortable on the couch, and watch a few late night movies, before know it we’re on the couch making out and then he asked me the question that would end my virginity… Continue reading My Lover and I
This Is You
Your heart broken. Your love abused. Your life forsaken. Your body used.
Eternally yours
A satin voice ran over your sleeping body, awaking you from that never ending dream called life. Deep into my realm I pulled you and there was no return for those who didn’t wish to fall asleep again.
Burn all Angels
Burn all angels with gasoline, rip off their wings and hear them scream.
The Pot of Basil
I hurt. I think I am going insane. Dearest Laura, where are you when I need you? In your absence I have wept, I have wept in a way that is not possible to weep. I have begun to cough blood. Where are you? I don’t show it on the outside, of course. I never… Continue reading The Pot of Basil