i’m the one who controls you the one who owns you now dont worry , i’ll play safe just let your mind allow
Tag: voices
The Walk…
I find myself in the night walking along an old graveyard. The mysts rising from the heat of the day and the cool that the night has brought. I hear the echos of my heals against the damp cobblestone walkway. For this is an ancient place where few tend to dwell.
Your own meaning
This poem, like all poems, may mean whatever you want it to mean, I made it thinkin about fear and i think the point is very clear but maybe you can share another interpretation about itI am going to make a poetry site possibly here in darksites and i’ll post all my poems including this… Continue reading Your own meaning
My Life
Pain is a River Witch flows with in my body Been hurt so many times So my things wrong I live in this River I m a Rock that has been stuck, And never seen the Sand I tryed to move but get burried even deeper Something always blocks me Each bird that flys by… Continue reading My Life
How Can I Title an Emotion That Leaves Me Speechless?
Breathing, alone in the dark, no one hears me, screaming myself senseless again. I fell back upon my instinct, and landed hard against my regret, so here I am alone, reaching -but not hard enough- for strength.