Inanimate: Make me an inanimate being Golem, Not of clay or stone For these appear to long for life
Tag: waves
The soft blue swell of the waves. Swishing over my feet. Up to my ankles. Higher. Higher. Dragging me under. No air. Deep breath. Water. Bright light. Breathing again. Darkness.
Robert W. Chambers “Casilda’s Song”
Along the shore the cloud waves break, The twin suns sink below the lake, The shadows lengthen In Carcosa. Strange is the night where black stars rise, And strange moons circle through the skies, But stranger still is Lost Carcosa. Songs that the Hyades shall sing, Where flaps the tatters of the King, Must die… Continue reading Robert W. Chambers “Casilda’s Song”
Sirens Song
Sirens song oh so sweet Mocking laughing and inticeing me Darkness folding within itself Blackest ocean of sorrow felt Timeless spinning in the dark Blooding dripping from heart to heart the deep ocean of black the void of everything sirens calling calling for me within depths the blackness in this ever ending never beginning Sea… Continue reading Sirens Song
When You Smile At Me
Inside of you I see, a beautiful, beautiful child, and when you smile at me; my heart does sing a sweet melody, when you smile at me. It is like the touch of an ocean breeze that brings me such peace. I hear the waves of the ocean; crash so gently when you smile at… Continue reading When You Smile At Me
How deep does the knife scar?
There are so many other scarred people out here, why must we live in such lonlieness? I will tell you, it is because our scars prevent us from being ourselves in ways only we can understand, those scars cause such terrible things in us, im our souls, our hearts, our minds. How deep does the… Continue reading How deep does the knife scar?
Cragged vessel hewn with thought. Who’s timbers of want are bound by uncertainties. Motioned by sails of desire. Bourne adrift on tides of need Winds speak words Tears on each waves wake. Would you not fetch upon the rocks To easy your load upon the edges To sail my mind no more To have this… Continue reading Vessel
A Leaving…
Monday 12th May 2003 10:30:12 pm Shattered & devastated, my heart winces in pain, The ultimate thoughts of death rage through in vain, Every breath taken dies with hatred for me, With a teary & forsaken soul I let myself be. The worthless spirit, bleeds to no avail, Crushed under forgery, visualizes death, a veil.… Continue reading A Leaving…
The sand (Are you happy?)
The sand sticks to my white skin. In my nostrils. On my lips, in my lips, in my inactive mouth. In my useless mouth. Sand. Waves come and go before my eyes, black and white under the warm moon, smelly like seaweed, sensual jellyfish, dead fish, like a song i wish i could sing. Waves… Continue reading The sand (Are you happy?)
Street of life
Me on a crowded street Alone Screaming but they can’t hear me Waving but they don’t notice me They are happy together Everyone Maybe except another person Who screams and waves I’m not as the crowd But I can’t see her also She’s hidden between all those people I think I could hear her I… Continue reading Street of life