Talena and Jasmine; seperation?

The year of that New Year’s celebration, Jasmine was sent to a charter school with uniforms and a total number of 45 students in her grade. Talena was gonna go to a public school, and for the first time since summer the girls were seperated.

Jasmine had cried three times and had thrown temper tantrums where she had yelled and screamed at her father. She hated him and refused to speak with him until school started. She even we and bought her uniforms with another girl from that charter school.

Talena as usual just lyed around her house all day and listened to music, wrote, read, and watched tv. She was just herself. Jasmine was one of her best friends, but what could she do?

Well, when school started Jasmine expected that Talena would never speak to her again, and got really depressed, but that afternoon, the phone rang. Jasmine picked up the phone, and in monotone spoke.


“This is Talena.” Jasmine almost screamed she was so happy. She had been terrified that their whole summer sharade was a complete lost thing.

The girls had spent weeks together over the summer.

There was one time that the girls had almost gotten caught. Lying in the black sheeted bed by a cold window the Talena had taken off her clothes. She was lying naked on the bed with Jasmine who pressed her lips lightly to hers. She stroked one of her pale breasts. Talena moaned and figited under Jasmine’s touch. She responded and started to pull of Jasmine’s shirt.

A knock came on Talena’s door.

“Talena let me in this room and don’t ever fucking lock it again!” Her insane mother was screaming at the top of her lungs through the small wooden door. “Open it up! What the hell are you doing?”

Talena and Jasmine jumped, Jasmine pulled on her shirt, and Talena jumped out of bed and mummbled profanity as she scrambled to find her bra and pants.

When she opened the door her mother was glaring daggers into the room and hissing threats into Talena’s ear. She stalked away with orders about cleaning the cat boxes and doing the dishes which were really Plum’s job that night.

Jasmine smiled as Talena talked rapidly into the reciever about her day at school. They talked for an hour or two, then hung up the phone after deciding to get together that weekend.

So about every weekend the girls got together. They even hooked up with boyfriends and went to see them once in a while. Jasmine wasn’t supposed to see guys, but she blew off the rule when she visited Talena and told her father that they were staying at her house and watching scary movies that night. He, in his ignorance believed her.

By ChildofDeath

A little gothic girl going to a boarding school.