As always they are oblivious, the blonde hair, innocent blue eye combination gets them everytime. It masks my true nature, one that I discovered when at a mere 6 years old, when my new best friend wouldnt share her doll.
She had to be taught a lesson, so I pushed out of our tree house, to fall on the ground below in a mangled heap, where I smashed her head completely open for good measure. She learnt to share real good that day. I never did get to play with that Doll, come to think of it, I never saw her again either. They all thought it was some freak accident. Oh I did do the crying thing, it seemed to make everyone pay attention to me ‘That poor girl must be so traumatised’ Ha, whatever. Its what i think about when Im sleeping with Scott, my best friends boyfriend. He goes for that Innocent look too. Its always gets them…