The Beach

Last night I fell asleep in the milky white sand on a beach in the Dominican Republic. I laid with my eyes shut tightly against the flames in heaven and the surf licked at my toes.

Not a soul in sight, the air was wet and heavy, pushing me down with the weight of a phantom lover, an incubus, into the sand.

As the sun sank into the ocean, the air wrapped itself around me with the softest of caresses. It gently pushed itself inside me and it carried away my sigh. It tickled my ear with the breath of it’s labour and rose with me above the ocean. As it lowered me back to earth, sated and spent, it spoke only as the wind does. With a promise to always be with me in one way or another, a murmur of love and a whimper of parting.

Categorized as erotica

By Kristen Nelson

Oldest of 2, product of an amicable divorce spawning odd abandomnet complexes, inferiority complexes and self harming OCD's, likely ADD. I'm amazed I get anything done at all. Frankly, I'm amazed I'm here at all.