Can anyone really explain why ppl just want to die, or give up on the world??????……………
Like Any normail day someone who seemed like a regular person was accually hurtin in someway inside. As for this person she had a wonderful Family had a nice life growing up……………………………
so it seemed, she had 4 kids that she brought in this lovely world. 2 brotheres, and a loving husband, and a loving Mother and Father…And how one day she could wake up and juss leave all them behind. ……..Jake one of her brothers that she was really close with went to school one day …his problems following behind him, He didnt think this day was gonna be Exiciting or Dramatic he thought it was juss another boring day of life he had to get threw.
When he was at school i guess he found out then becuz see me i seen him one second and the next secong he was gone i really didnt know what happened untill two days later when i asked why he wasnt there at school . There were rumors goin around school that should of never been said. its was towards the end of the year so we thought he wasnt gonna come back. But one day he was there and all of us felt so bad………
She didnt know exactly what she was gonna do that night..maybe she would be home with her husband and kids or maybe she would be out getin drunk who knows she was her own person who could stop her?….Well as she woke up alive that morning she would be found dead that night……She must of thought her life was goin threw hell so one night she must of thought hey how do i belong in this world?…she kept asking herself that over and over…
When he came back to school we all found out his sister killed herslef we didnt want to ask why..why would we i meen its such a lose we dont wanna make him to think about it more then he has to….
She must of been thinkin crazy not thinkin of her kids that night or her loving family bcuz she went to her parents house sober or maybe drunk we will never know…and she hung herself we dont know why she did it or what she was thinkin at that moment when she jumped but she knew she was gonna hurt her family thats one conaquence she had to deal with….
He came to school the day of her funeral for half the morning sad and depressed…He was very close to her..all these questions goin threw his mind..why did she do it didnt she love me..i would of felt the same way but he couldnt do anythin to save her ….I finally talked to him and i found out that his dad found her in the barn hangin there…Her name was Annie why she did it we’ll never know all we know that she was a good person and what she did to lead herself to suicide we’ll never know….