The final night

topic – death

“I’m leaving” she said with a shivering voice.
She had that look in her eyes, like in the first day, lost somewhere in another world, in another time. The look that he was hoping to change.
And now he knew that she was never coming back, and nothing can make her stay. He wanted to tell her that he loves her. But it was useless….
She closed the door after her and he felt the last sour scent of roses that was always surrounding her disappear.
He was crouched in the corner of the room. He was afraid to turn off the lights knowing that her flesh won’t be close to him.
A cold shiver pierced his body and he knew that in this moment her blood was staining her black clothes and scrawling her pale skin. The only thing that sorry for was that he couldn’t see her in this moment. He couldn’t feel the scent of her blood and touch her cold body for the last time.
The flesh that crouched all this time in the corner of the room was crawling towards the switcher leaving behind a trail of blood. Now he wasn’t afraid to turn off the lights.
In the darkness of the night he could feel again the sour scent of roses.
And the last star on the sky disappeared…….

“I’m leaving,” she said with a shivering voice.
She could see him crouched in the corner of the room with his deep eyes in which she used to lose herself so often. She wanted him to stop her, not to let her go. She wanted to tell him that she loves him. But it was useless now…
She saw for the last time the crimson sunset lost trough the yellow and dark red curtains. Then she closed the door.
She wandered for hours on the dark streets of the city then she found herself in front of the cathedral. She laid her body on the cold stairs but she was afraid to close her eyes knowing that his flesh won’t be near her.
A cold shiver pierced her body and she knew that his blood was staining the floor and scrawling his strong hands. The only thing that she regretted was that she couldn’t see him. She couldn’t taste his hot blood and kiss his frozen lips for the last time.
The flesh laying in front of the cathedral started to bleed and blood was oozing on the cold stairs. Now she wasn’t afraid to close her eyes.
In the darkness of the night she could see again the crimson sunset lost trough the yellow and dark red curtains.
And the last star on the sky disappeared…….