The Gothic Martin Luther King

This may sound presumptious of me, but I’m beginning to think of myself as a redeeming figure for the gothic culture. I’m here to defy stereotypes and introduce tolerance to our oppressors. But I need your help.

My motivation might surprise you. I havn’t experienced the kind of oppression most goths have; I have managed to surround myself with intelligent people who accept and respect me. The only predjudice I’ve faced has been from my parents, and that hasn’t been fun, but it’s not like I’m labled “the wierd girl” and locked away in a cage (metaphorically, that is). It is through the stories of other goths, who have faced difficult obstacles, that I draw my inspiration. Any kind of discrimination bothers me, be it against gays, racial or social minorities, or the disabled. However I feel more comfortable standing up for a group that I belong to than one I don’t. And so my crusade has begun.

I try to personify the type of goth that I feel should be the standard. I am openminded and treat others as I wish to be treated. I try to be friendly and empathetic so that I will not be seen as anti-social and cold. I mix with a variety of groups so that I can get perspectives from people with different lifestyles than mine. I am not afraid to stray from what has been determined the norm for goths-some days I’ll wear a rainbow shirt and skater pants because I’m in that kind of mood. I won’t wear fishnets to dinner parties; I know the difference between black tie events and clubs. It’s sad that we must fear being judged by appearance, but I feel that accepting this and adapting to it is better than ignoring it and sending out a bad impression. I try not to worry about how altering my style occasionally will affect my image, because I know the clothes I wear do not define who I am. My worldview isn’t altered through fashion, so I don’t think dressing colorfully and whimsically, or conservativly once in a while makes me any less goth. I also try to be polite and appropriate. I’ve seen goths hiss or give dirty looks to people who stare at them; I prefer to ignore them, stare back, or sometimes smile and say hi. Though the situations we may face may be frusterating, I think it’s important to keep our composure and act respectfully and calmly instead of lashing out.

I also promote the idea of educating those who have a flawed view of the gothic culture. I don’t dismiss people who are ignorant about why I look as I do; I try to educate them about the culture to show them that we’re not the types of people the media presents us as. You can’t always get through to everyone, but sometimes five minutes spent with someone can change their mind about goths. I’ve had interesting discussions with narcotics officers that I’m sure impacted their view of goths. As the cliche goes, it’s up to you to make a difference.

I also try to help guide the kinds of “goths” we refer to as poseurs. They’re usually teenagers looking for attention or rebelling mindlessly, and they often perpetuate many of the common stereotypes about us. Instead of dismissing them as silly and pathetic, I try to take them under my wing and guide them. Sometimes they really do have gothic potential, and sometimes they’re immature kids who don’t realize what a travisty they are to the scene. Helping them out accomplishes more than making fun of or resenting them.

The oppression we face can be eliminated but only if we’re willing to work for it. If we examine the struggles of blacks and women in our society, we can see that they overcame their obstacles. They are still fighting, and that is sure to continue into the future, but look at the difference a hundred years has made. Sure, a century seems like forever, but change won’t come unless the action starts now. Not to patronize myself, but I feel that my example is one worth following. Pass on the message and one day, we will live dignified lives as the amazing individuals that we are.

Thank you for your time.

By ShedsRedTears

Hello! I am the Tooth Fairy! I want your teeth NOW -don't make me get the drill! Kidding aside, I'm a 16 yr. old darkling whose current woe is that I'm unable to go to Convergence 7 this year. If anyone wants to kidnap me so that I won't have to go to