*** One month before the funeral***
Mmm…….my head hurts.
I feel terribly uncomfortable in the positon I’m lying in. Something is restricting my wrists and arms from moving in front of me again. I think it’s the rope. Yes, the thick itchy rope that has already caused burns on my white wrists. My legs are restricted as well. In two places; my ankles and my knees there is the same irratating rope tied tightly around them. Then the rope from my ankles is connected to the rope at my wrists bending my back into a rather uncomfortable arch. I wonder how long I’ve been tied up like this. My back is in desperate need of a new position. It feels like my spine is going to slowly crack and finally snap in half.
I can’t open my eyes, there’e a strip of something – I think it’s tape- covering them and preventing my eyelids from opening. My hair is all about my face and neck- I must have been thrown down here. Whatever I’m lying on it feels somewhat soft, I wonder if it’s a mattress, although it’s quite thin to be a mattress.
I hear footsteps growing louder and coming at a steady pace. The door to this room opens with a whinning sound; almost like nails on a chalkboard. I can feel the vibrations eminating off of the floor from the footsteps as he comes closer. I think maybe I’ll just lay here as if I’m alseep and try not to stirr. Then maybe he’ll go away.
“Good morning Evellyn.”
A voice of soothing confidence comes from his mouth today. He must be in a good mood.
“Evellyn. I know you’re awake. Your breathing is shaky.”
Why can’t he just leave me alone? I know this routine. He’s been practicing it with me for a couple of weeks at least now.
First he’s going to untie me. Then while I’m soothing my ankles, knees, and wrists, he’ll move to the other side of the room and prepare some kind of food. Next he’ll go to yet another section of the room and pull out something for me to wear. I never know what it is I’m wearing. I would remove the tape if it didn’t hurt o much to feel it tear off my skin, esspecially on my eyelids. Right now I’m in one of my silk night gowns. I think it’s the long green one because only that one has lace at the chest.
He moves over to my side and pulls my ropes off rather painfully. I lay here limp for only a second or two while he does his normal routine. I slowly move myself into a more comfortable position against the wall. God my back hurts so much. I give my wrists their usual massage to ease their pain of being tied in such a tight way. I roll my ankles to make sure they aren’t broken or twisted. My knees aren’t to bad today, maybe they’re getting used to this torture. God don’t think that. I could never get used to this.
Surely by now someone is comeing to rescue me. I don’t even know how long I’ve been here, but my parents must be worried about me. I know I’ve been gone longer than a week and I’ve never been away for more that three days without telling them. They just have to be doing all they can to help me. They just have to. I know they are. At least I hope they are.
“What could you be pondering today Evellyn?”
God I hate the fact that he calls me that. I haven’t been called Evellyn by anyone except by my family. I’ve always told everyone to call me Eve. Why can’t he at least do that?
“I can see that something is on your mind. You really should try to get those thoughts of a rescue out of your mind. You should know by now that it’s not going to happen. I mean if’ your parents were really looking for you they would have found you by now wouldn’t you think?”
Don’t respond he’s just don’t it to get you to react so that he can be justified in hitting you again. Last time you went unconscience from his blow to your face.
“You know today is a special day for you.”
Everyday is a special day for me.
“We’re going finish this.”
Now what the hell is he talking about? Suddenly he moves to the other side of the room; probably to pull out some articles of clothing for me. I wonder what he’s going to pick for me today.
Uuuf!! He threw it right on top of me. I can feel that it’s a dress. The skirt part is made of satin? yes, satin. The top is lacey and has some strings at the bust I think. The sleeves are belled out and are made of a real light weight fabric. This is my red dress if I’m not mistaken. The dress has a red satin skirt and black lace and ribbons at the bust and the sleeves are made of a black see through material that I never could remember. Why on earth would he pick out a nice dress? What does he have planned today that’s so different from every other day?
“Put it on quickly we have to be somewhere soon.”
Wait, you mean he’s actually taking me somewhere today. I wonderif he’s letting me go. No, that would be wishful thinking.
Now that I’m dressed in my favorite dress I can only imagine what he has planned for me today. He walks over and rises me to my feet. while I’m standing he lifts one foot at a time to put on my black heels. I almost fall on him and soon enough he’s back up standing next to me to steady me. I’m guided out through the house or whatever I’ve been in for the last couple of weeks and soon I feel the dirt ground below my feet. I’m actually outside and the air feels so much better out here. Of course I’m not allowed to just stand and enjoy it because I’m shoved into the back of his van.
When inside the van and sitting somewhat comfortably he ties my wrists and ankles and knees again. What does he think I’m gonna do? Jump out of the van while it’s moving and kill myself? Besides I can’t even see anything, I probably wouldn’t be able to find the door to get out.
He leaves my side and the doors close with a loud bang. The driver side door closes soon after that. Then the engine starts and we’re off. But to where?