It invisibly sweeps through your mind
Erasing every memory you had of past times
It makes you forget it makes you upset
Most of all it makes you regret
You’ll try anything to get it away
Except nothing works
So they give you the little blue pill
They prescribe it for ADD manic panic freaks like me
They say it will make you remember it will make you see
The only thing it dose is addict me
It rips through your body like a title wave
If only now I knew if the words I so deeply engrave
Are mine and not the pills
I always scuffle in the top of my mind
To find the simplest reason why these word belong
To the pill
And not to me
I stop and through the pill away
The dumbest way to handle the condition they say
But I think what good is writing on the pill
Not knowing if it’s really me or just me on drugs
So I give it up and my body cant deal
I take about two to get me to write
Now my mind starts to bit
For now I can think of words to write
This cant be normal can it
The tricks it plays an addictive drug
Like if I don’t take it I’m a no one to them
But I feel like someone to me
And if I do take it they praise me
But I feel so bad inside
I feel like someone else
Addicted with no choice
So I stop and throw the pill away
The addiction starts in my mind again
Ripping and puling at my skin
The little blue mind eraser.