Feminine pallid face with a stern jaw line
With lips upturned to create her wicked smile
Morbidly staring at its own frigid corpse
With the starlight twinkle in the unseeing eyes
Feminine pallid face with a stern jaw line
With lips upturned to create her wicked smile
Morbidly staring at its own frigid corpse
With the starlight twinkle in the unseeing eyes
Unaware of the motion of her body
Which was deftly writhing with the flow of the water
With the transparent frozen cold barrier
Holding her underneath
And keeping her womanly moon licked body
Underneath the surface
Her vigorously dead visage reflecting
Her dull life of emotionless drone
Numb and devoid of all truth she lived
The one that made her victim
Standing back, admiring her body
Naked, yet fully cloaked in her soft skin
The bright night rays reflecting the image of her severed head
Directly above her body
The rifted reflection sending her radiance far and wide
Only that night cloaked murderer knew
Knew the atrocities of her death
Her head held inside the androgynous hands
Shoving her gorgeous face into the glassy depths
Attempting to preserve her visage
So i may look upon it in times to come
Without realizing the price of this portrait
My friend must not let her grimace go unattended to
I must admire it longer
The Body must float away
Forever it must disappear
It must be nonexistent for the rest of eternity