I am me, but not what you see
Hiding away in darkness so clearly
Imagine a world where all paths end
Imagine a place where there is no friend
Imagine an era consumed by darkness
Imagine a life that is utterly lifeless
Imagine a fire with no fuel to burn
Imagine a sould with no goals to earn
This is my motivation, this is my inspiration
Imagine being torn by every action and contemplation
Imagine living a nightmare every day
Imagine watching everything that you have to say
Imagine a world full of suffering and pain
Imagine a soul being torn again and again
Imagine being surrounded by people yet alone
Imagine the thought of never being known
This is my routine–this is my life
One that is filled with constant strife
Imagine striving to be someone that you’re not
Imagine knowing that in Hell you will rot
Imagine trying to win but failing eternally
Imagine being the good guy seen as the bully
Imagine being the hurt of which everyone complains
Imagine a life of complete disdains
Imagine the truth,
Always the sleuth
Imagine the lie
That starts not the cry
If you can imagine all of this: Know
That this and so much more inside me grow
Ond day I will let myself be know
And show to all the darkness I have grown
Deep in the recesses of my being
Deep inside where no one is seeing
The real me shines so bright
In my soul without light