The Snow Is Easy To Write As Beautiful Inspiration When Your Not Frozen In It

The trees outside are alive with color yet their dying inside. That’s me, I smile and laugh, bright smiles, but I am dying. Their leaves begin to turn brown and fall, but the busy breeze carries them from site before anyone can notice.

More, more, and more they fall, leaf by leaf. It’s a sad site against the bright green grass shimmering with morning dew and the sky so blue with crisp, white, picture perfect clouds. Then the trees, almost bare, wilting from the slow and steady coming of winter winds, so cold. Their is no shelter for the trees, they must survive the winter bare naked and stripped of their only beauty. The snow is easy to write as beautiful inspiration when your not frozen in it. As sure as the seasons will change, the snow will melt, and the trees will spout leaves again. This is all I know to rely on.


  1. A nicely written piece of work, very poetic. But I must say I find what I call “skeleton trees” (desiduous ones) really beautiful. They look so interesting without their leaves, I wish we had more of them in Australia. The loss of leaves allows us to see the stronger foundation beneath, that’s always been there, just hidden by the beauty of the leaves. Perhaps leaves are like a mask, they hide the true strength beneath.

  2. 🙂 That made me smile.
    It’s a lovely piece of writing. I also like the way you noticed the trees in this light. As a metaphor for yourself, and also describing the way they drag themselves through thick and thin each year getting by.
    I wrote down once a metaphor for the only star in the sky while i was talking to my best friend. I won’t go into that, but it’s interesting / nice how you’ve sort of done the same???
    Lovely description. xx

  3. hmmmm. pretty damn cool. little short but hella good. cheered me up a bit anyway so thats an achievement by itself.

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