The way of the fallen vampyric angels – the one truth

There are few of us on this earth that actally realise why the hell we are here. Many of us wander through life conforming, believing and acting in the way the media and society wish us to.

Only a few out of the millions learn to lift the veil and see the truth. We am one of these, and am here to tell you of what we see and know, in a hope it will awaken something in you and you will finally see beyond the lies.

I am going be witing this from my own soul and that of another, but we see the truth in different ways due to our religious beliefs and origins-there is only one truth but some many ways of seeing it.

The origin of life began with the Quabalah, the ten levels of life leading up to God, or Amen-Ra as i see it, there are so many names for one being i cannot cay them all, and thus will try and use the most common ones to help you understand. The ten levels are ten spheres, and were the original tears shed by god into the earth. The Quabalah thus is the root of all religion, every religion derives from it.

Then came mortals, there were no angels or daemons or gods or godesses then, we were all equal, but then God decided to make things interesting…

Categorized as darkness

By ebony

I have nothing to say, words cannot describe something that was around before words were invented. Look into the shadows for your answers......


  1. somehow, this feels like only half the story….don’t ask me why.


  2. Ah, but like all religion, we only get the first half. It’s up to us to write the rest of it. 🙂

    no day but today


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