The whole picture

Yesterday, the Arab once again lashed out at their oppressors. For years, the American and Jewish (israeli) governments have run amuck in the middle east, leading constant terrorist campaigns against the people of Palestine. In a desperate effort to rob the homeland from its rightful owners, and set up a jewish, Zionist state, we poured billions upon billions of dollars into the coffers of the Jewish state of Israel. These billions of dollars go to buy tanks, highly advanced weaponry, and fund israeli terrorist squads, which wreck havoc DAILY upon Palestinian civilians. All in the name of PEACEKEEPING.

Just for a moment, put yourself in the shoes of an Arab. Your country is being stolen out from under your feet, day by day, piece by piece. Friends and relatives are being murdered by israeli squads that have no regard for human life. they hope and pray for an end to the violence, and that someone in the world will recognize your plight. Ah, America, of course, The land of justice. You turn on American TV, and what do you see? Constant reports on how the incredibly evil Palestinians have once again killed a jew, and the nations are in uproar over the heartless and thoughtless act.

THE TRUTH: Before his rise to supreme government power, Israel’s prime minister was once the leader of a Jewish terrorist organization that killed tens of thousands of Palestine CIVILIANS, often slaughtering entire towns, in the name of ethnic hatred. The current death ratio is over 7 to 1 with 7 palestinians dying for every jew. The battles are often tanks, fully automatics, and body armor, versus sticks, rocks, and the occasional small rifle.

Inch by inch, you’re losing the battle. You have no superpower behind you, as your enemies do. You have no media control, your enemies have cornered that market (CBS, NBC, ABC, etc all completely jewish owned)

The hatred boils up inside, growing more intense after each innocent death. What true man would NOT stand up and fight for his people, culture, and homeland? America needs to learn a simple fact; We cannot impose our will on everyone. This is oppression, and being the “freedom loving people” we are, it is hypocritical.

The death of innocent civilians is NEVER a good thing, under any circumstances. But I merely ask this; think with your mind, not your heart. There is a REASON why these people are so angry. It’s the same readon the entire world has condemned us lately: our unconditional support of israel’s oppression of Palestin. The same reason why nearly the entire UN has turned against us, and may soon fight against us in the battle for the middle east. We are a nation that fights first and foremost for Jewish interest, this MUCT be understoof to fully comprehend the problems at hand.

And as for you, Mr. Bush, if this is an “act of war”, it is a war our very own government started years ago. The pendulum is merely swinging back. Oh but I’ve forgotten a golden rule of American mindset…Revenge is only okay if it is taken by us.

A moment of silence for the victims. Both in New York, Washington, and Palestine.

Categorized as darkness

By CruelNocturna

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  1. Yes. Thank you. I couldn’t agree more. It’s so good to know that there are others who see the whole picture. The whole thing makes me so angry. We are not being attacked because we are “free.” We are being attacked because we oppress people, because we are greedy and arrogant, because we send arms to other countries to be used to kill their own people. We need to wake up and realize that we are not special. The lies that our president is promulgating on the television make me sick. And the thought of going to war makes me very frightened. If we retaliate it will only make things worse and make people hate us more. Those people didn’t deserve to die, but neither does anybody else. I am praying for peace and healing and that people will wake up and realize our mistakes. At the same time, I have a strong sense that a terrible hole has been ripped in the world through which more evil can come, and that there are a lot of people dead who maybe haven’t realized they’re dead yet and don’t know where they’re supposed to go. It will take a lot of strong energy to heal this rift and help these lost souls, more than I have alone. If everyone would pray for peace and healing there might be enough energy gathered to make this happen. But too many people are believing the lies and ready to go to war. I am very frightened for us all.

  2. True.. but if these people could get in to the media.. unpopularized these policies then the US would have to other choice but to remove them. Killing all these people isnt the answer. The USA has policies. Policies can be changed with proper intelligence.

    Israel was threatened by Iraq and Syria. The USA made a mistake of providing them with weapons. They used these weapons to harass palestinians. a better show of diplomacy could have saved us from all this BULL!

  3. When was the last time the U.S. or Isreal hijacked four Palestine Civillian planes, murdered passengers, then in the end claimed over 20,000 lives? We never started this war, it’s just a warning from Palestine terrorists to tell Bush not to sign the peace treaty with Isreal. Which is why he backed out before. In my opinion we should just turn both countries into a parking lot. Oh, and has anyone noticed that if it weren’t for the damned bible, Palestine and Isreal would not be fighting today?


    you need to know what you are talking about before you open your ignorant mouth.

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