Lies Festering in each blistering soul surrounding me. Their lies.
Bearing them gnawing and scratching at my insides with so much persistence, utter addiction. Zer0 resistance.
Their lies. Brainwashing my prefabricated mind times and times and times again. Furious submission.
Their lies. Their beautiful words. Their consecrated rhymes. Their blessed rubbish. Blown in storms to my face like needles slowly feasting upon my wasted skin, pestering.
Their lies. Their spelling masks. Their blinding promises of mirth and affection. Their sweet utters of complete perfection. Their built-up world of illusions. Their guaranteed world of glass. Reaching out to my eyes like serpentine tentacles and squeezing them with the cruelty of unfairness. Crushing my ears under a heavy fake beauty, slipping into their tunnels and electrifying a roasted brain.
Their lies. Their deified interventions. Their garlanded opinions. Their purest emotions. Festering in MY soul now.
The windows broken into tiny shattered pieces of once an innocent pair of jewels. Smashing my mind, reducing it to nothingness. Spreading, diffusing, reaching out to my very trembling fingers, to my very clawing nails, tantalizing my erupting pounding veins.
Their lies. My pain. My suffering. My demise. My ReVeNgE.