Joe hated everyone. Be it because their skin was a different colour, their hair was too long, or even things as trivial as someones eyes moving in a way that pissed him off. He was most definately the most short fused irritable person in existence. One day joe saw a man getting the shit kicked out of him, shocked, he stopped dead in his tracks. It wasn’t the fact that a man was being beaten within an inch of his life that shocked him, it was the realisation that he was completely and totally in control.
For days Joe sat in his room and pondered, thought and conspired. Did he really hate everyone enough to…………… He couldn’t bring himself to say it, but he knew the answer was yes!
After a day at school, Joe decided that tomorrow was it, he would take out as many as possible before taking himself out of this piece of shit that some call life. He made a trip to the local hardware store. Walking up and down the almost neverending isles of potential impliments of pain. A shovel? A drill? An axe? No it had to be something special. And there it was shining like a sapphire, its blade so clean, so full of life, so full of energy. Yes this was the clear solution to all of his problems.
That night Joe suddenly remembered that there was someone who had the same thoughts and ideas as him,
“yeah? what the fuck you want bitch?”
“Shut the fuck up and listen you fucking dog fucker!”
“Hurry up dude, I’ve got a mother to push down the stairs”
“Whatever! I got a proposition for you…………………….”
Joe told John about what he had been planing and John wanted in!
The day of release had finally arrived. Joe and John sat waiting. One hour, Two hours, Three hours……….It didn’t matter, this was much more important than time. As the last person approched the gate the two blackened souls left their recluse state of mind and made their presence aware in the assembly hall.
“Young man your late!”
The scythe through Mr hoares torso was bliss. The struggle to get the blade through his spine was short lived, as the blade was sharp enough it just needed a little encouragement.
There was a euphoric silence throughout the hall, as joe remorselessly wrenched the blade out of the fat fucker.
John sighted Mrs morton dialing for help…………
“Be still bitch!” the sound of John’s rusty mace, crushing her skull was enough to make at least five people vomit. They knew that it was only a matter of time before they would hear the sirens, so they went to work hacking through the twiglike legs of jon-paul, Adamola’s ribcage was no match for the crushing weight of the mace. 5……….6………..7…………..8 dead
9………..10……….11……….12. They were falling faster than the newly fashioned reapers had predicted.
The deafening sound of gunfire sileced the screams, but the moans of those just alive could still be heard. The officers partner wretched in the corner at the bloody corpses, almost unrecognisable. They opened fire, John went down
“Fuck you, you dirty scum! Fucking get the bastards Joe!!”
Joe took out the mail order Pump action shotgun his mum thought she had hidden from him. Bang…………………………………………one for the pigs…………….Bang…………………………………… for himself
The tears welled up in his eyes, then there was just a hazy nummed pain, darker………darker………..darker……………black……………….BLISS