I agree with some of the points you have made but obviously not all of them. Let me tell you a few home truths. America is not the most powerful nation in the world.
Definition: Most powerful nation in the world. They would need to have the ability to wipe out all thier enemies WITHOUT using nuclear weapons, germ warfare and killing the rest of us in the process. The United States of America has never, nor has the ability to do this!!!!
You cant even find and kill Osama bin laden for gods sakes!
Never mind controlling the world. All you can do is manipulate and cause trouble amongst the international community. And to do this you hold the hand of the British for morale support. But North Korea will have non of your bullshit and you cant sanction them because they are a self exiled state meaning they dont need you or anyone else.
The united states has never successfully won a war on a large magnitude. In the Vietnam war the USA got their ass kicked not by a trained army but by simple villagers who armed themselfs anyway they could. The USA had elite commando units, a fully equiped and trained army with helicopter gunships, Napalm etc the vietnamise were simple peolple who made use of the weapons they had. . You lost the war and were sent home with your tails between your legs.
Throughout history the British have been victorious against the Spanish Armada and the Germans while the rest of Europe fell. The British are the best fighting force in the world. They won both the 1st and 2nd world wars, the Americans got involved in the End of the war, it was already won by the British. The Americans are nothing but glorified war hounds.
If Osama bin laden and his friends can crash a couple of planes into the twin towers and get away with it, then your missing the obvious. The most powerful nation in the world would have prevented THOUSANDS of thier citizens from being killed right under there nose! dont you think?
So think before you preach.
Wow. i couldn’t have said it any better…i freaking hate this country…i mean…”war against terrorism” how does the killing of hundreds of thousand people justify the killing of three thousand people?
Blah de blah, Get over it.
Go build your new future in some beautiful country where arrogance and over-arming is a long forgotten dream.
The British aren’t exactly gods of everything either. Britain has a weak leader who can’t even control the actions of his own wife. I mean, come on …
Truth is, until you run the country, why bother whining about it?
The 9/11 thing was tragic, yeah. Tragic shit happens, that’s just the way of life. NO nation, no matter how powerful they may be can prevent unpredictable acts. It’s just not possible. You shouldn’t expect that, because NO OTHER COUNTRY COULD HAVE DONE IT EITHER. It happened, it couldn’t be stopped, move on.
America may or may not be a big badass country, that’s fair enough. Whatever.
In the end they’re just people. They’re doing their best to fight terrorism and shit like that in the only way they know how. Quit judging already.
If you think you could do so much better then become a politician or join the army, and go lend a hand.
This is for blacklight, fair enough Tony Blair cant control his wife and Hillary Clinton couldnt control Bill, but never have we had a leader such as (Bill Clinton) who was caught with his pants down on the job, i suppose he was thinking of America’s best interests at the time? I doubt it!
the only reason America wants Britiain’s help is so the British can show them how its done after that embarrassing defeat by simple villagers in Vietnam.
George W bush is the more dangerous than S. Hussien for one reason.. He is a man of the lowest intelligence who is running a country with has nuclear capabilities.
The British are not perfect but at least they dont bullshit and talk crap when it comes to war! The British keep there promises meanwhile you still havent found Osama bin laden yet have you?
One reason why i wont go into politics is simple, there is no such thing as democratic goverments its just a illusion and the Americans should know this more than anyone after the introduction of the Patriot Act which in short is racist, ignores the constitutional rights of its own citizens which it allegedly protects and racially harrasses travelers from Eastern European countries who are innocent and have legitamate reasons for travalling to and from America.
Oh one more point no western goverment i.e. America, Britain, Ireland or Cananda has a black person as a party representitive/leader nor has a black person ever stood as elected head of these nations. So my friend until white goverments give the non whites a chance im not interested.
America tried to buy the Middle east because of its large oil reserves and when that didnt work you tried to over throw their goverments and when all else fails you invade, bomb and kill innnocent civilains under some false pretense such as terrorism. The USA are thier own enemies and the Eastern countries will take non of your shit as Sept 11th proved you cant have your own way all the time.
I love the way you assume I’m American, just because I appreciate their point of view. I’m not American.
All I want you to appreciate is that weakness within politics, and ALL people, is worldwide, not confined to the Americans, whom you seem to be pinning it all on.
Second point. I’m not ‘your friend’. Until you lose a little of the anger, at least.
Thirdly … The Brits bullshit all the time. Tony Blair (despite the issues with Cherie and his beloved son, which I’m not even going to go into, as they’re so lengthy), talks nothing but crap, and this isn’t confined to the subject of war. The recent firefighter strikes for example, the British God refused to make a concession, despite a good portion of his contemporaries urging him to do so.
Fourthly, never underestimate “the simple villagers”. War becomes a very different thing when you’re fighting for your life, your home and your family instead of just being ordered to do so.
Fifth, when America joined the second world war, Britain’s resources and man power were depleted, and while their defense was holding, it wouldn’t have continued to do so for long.
This myth is simply fuel for British arrogance.
In truth, it’s the alliance between Britain and America that makes each so strong, and neither party should be underestimated. Just as neither party should begin to believe it is totally independent.
Lastly, I think, how can you expect black people to be given a chance if you’re not willing to fight for it? That is simple laziness on your part.
How can you sit there and refuse to try until someone else makes it easy for you?
Omg… … okay, the Korean War. You know how that one was? Body counts. The most dead people, lose. And it was really messed up… Either that was or Vietnam, don’t remember.
Civilian wars, you KNOW what that was? It was HORRIBLE!
One day, I don’t really remember what it was… There was an american car or something, with people inside… and there was a little boy out on the road who walked up to the car. They just thought, he was going to ask for some money, and the boy brought out a gun, don’t remember what kind and just started shooting them… …
It’s a sick thing, civilian used in wars, are SICK! You try and play it down, as if the US got beatin’ by a bunch of untrained people with farming equipment. The US and UN was there to HELP another country if you so blatantly forgot. And you know what? The American soldiers, the people they were protecing ate better than they did.
But, civilians used in wars, are SICK! It’s a most horrible thing, that you are just trying to downplay… … You don’t just have to fight a bunch of farmers, you have to go up against little kids too, who you don’t even know if they’re going to pull a firearm at you…
I’m not much for the US patriotism, but I must defend the crap you’re spewing as if the US was a joke…
Fair enough you dont get anywhere unless you try but i have no interest in running for goverment becausez there is too much corruption and i do not have the time or patience to sort it out because there is always someone who will enforce there own agenda’s which is usually not in the public interest.
Dont get me wrong blacklight, im not angry at the world it just annoys me that when INNOCENT people are killed because the USA and Britian bomb Iraq no notices its acceptable, but when the USA is bombed theres an international outcry. How dare they play the victims when they themselfs have killed so many innocent people and yet they still have got rid of there intended target S. Hussein.
To be a politician is to be a cold hearted business because thats all politics is business. A politician earns thousands of dollars/pounds a year while ambulance medics, fireman and other rescue workers are on a pitafull wage, working less favourable and longer hours . All politicians do is make war, peace, legislation oh and they sign a couple of documents and for this they make a considerable amount of money.
Im giving back to the community I live in. Im a social and i specialise in working with under privaleged children, it doesnt pay anything near the amount politicians earn but it is a lot more rewarding to me than politics.
I just want you to concede to one fact.
It’s not just America.
You’ll find that even in the most downtrodden country there will always be enough spare money to buy a politician a nice bodyguard and a new armoured car. It’s ridiculous, but worldwide.
I’m not fighting you on the corruption of politics. I know it’s real and I know it’s disgusting, but quit ragging on the Americans already.
I realize that you want an enemy to blame here, and some figure to hate for the hardships people face every day. But don’t pick out this one country and make it appear to be the villain. It’s that kind of short sightedness that fuels half our troubles.