So I have to spend all day working in the yard while my friends are at a alice cooper concert. Im spending my free time now making myself even more depressed than I already am by telling you how much my day sucks. I better stop now before I kill myself.
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You didn’t even begin to be able to stop..
it’s everyones favourite person! my kudos go to intoxication, not only for telling shiz the little bitch that he hasnt even started but also for his peice on bad spelling, something i am completely in agreement with. Anyhow schizzy boy why the fuck are you working in your yard instead of going to the concert? is it because you know that the security would beat the shit out of you for being such a little degenerate and jacking off in the crowd having your homoerotic fantasies about alice? or is it because your parents like to work you like a chinese slave which you may as well be anyway, at least then you’d be good for something. “work on the yard son, or i wont let you lick my shit encrusted asshole anymore” “your father’s right dear work your ass off so i can ram my hands up it like i do every night you worthless little albanian prostitute” is that the song you hear from your paedophile parents? i think so. of couse once your finished you get to have a nice bath in your mothers curdled menstrual fluid and fathers bubbling anal juices, and we all know how much you look forward to that you pathetic little son of a whore.
hurry up and kill youself or at least shut up about it…………..then kill youself.
woops. i spelt “piece” wrong. it’s because i’m originally from Deutschland, where the ei ie thing is reversed.
Not only did you spell “piece” incorrectly but also “favorite”, “yourself”, “schiz” and “pedophile”.
In addition, if you are going to use the name of a race/culture then I suggest you capitalize it. For example, “Chinese” and “Albanian.”
“of couse once your finished you get to have a nice bath”
Your? Dear, you used the completely wrong word. It’s “you’re” as in “you are”.
I would suggest you brush up on your grammar and perhaps even some punctuation.
Before you start ragging on someone else take a look at your not so perfect self.
P.S. I didn’t make any comments on schiz’s spelling. I was merely telling him/her that they didn’t even begin to tell how much their day sucked.
Thankyou for that Tox, I could not have put that better.
I am inclined to agree.
what a notyou.
so angry.
ought to be shot
English is my second language you filthy grandma fucking nigger slaves, why dont you all run off and enjoy your favourite past time of getting assfucked by your dad on your grandmother’s grave. then sit here proof-reading everything i write simply because you’re all too fucking stupid to make a decent argument you asian prostitutes.
I didn’t proof read it, when I read I notice this things instantly. It’s done out of habit.
Seeing that English is your second language I don’t understand how you can come up with all these ridiculous “insults”. It must take a large amount of brain power just to think of a phrase that makes you sound the least bit intelligent.
Even though most of the time I think everyone deserves a chance, I’m going to have to agree with absentee.
You should be shot.
Just out of curiousity, what is your first language?
By the way, I’m not a male.
What is my first language?, it’s not too hard to work out, read my posts again genius.
Well, thank you for the compliment and I really wasn’t paying much attention before considering I’ve been on pain killers for a while now.
Which explains why I’ve been writing so much.
Notyou,why in the ninth circle of hell do you insult everyone for? What did we do to you?
Notyou just has a tree stuck up his ass. The lube he used didn’t help much, just got it in farther. Damn lumberjacks.
Yeah, my turn to be a bit mean.
Oh come on even you can do better than that, i’ll just do a short demonstration for you. You hairy assloving little shit-for-brains assfucker why dont you just run along and fuck your uncle bobby in the eyeball just how you like it? or are you over that ever since aunty sally’s corpulend rotting cum covered tounge reached forth to lick your juicy puss-dripping orafice and taught you the meaning of what exactly incest can be for you? and who could forget the nights of rambunctious anal fun you had with those transvestite sailors/asslords.
you see realism is not at all necessary nor is making sense, it just has to be filthy and rather drawn out with lots of references to sodomy and any other sexual practices you can think of, also any references making fun of schiz also goes down quite well. So come on next time put some effort into it.
damned one, you pissed me off.
kill yourself.
I have no reason to put effort into insulting lower life forms. Sorry to disappoint you.
By the way, you spelt “tongue” incorrectly. Strange, you were one of the people to agree with my other post on people misspelling the simplest things. And the first word on the list was TONGUE.
I’d rather not have this drawn out argument with you. Just end it. You win, blah blah blah. I’ll be a gracious loser and back down.
Whatever goes.
notyou, you are a fucking idiot.
stop fucking everyone else off and find a new website to irritate.
And if you are going to throw insults at least spell them right you fucking idiot.
Tox, Im with you, again.
I actually pissed off YOU? Notyou? Well,i’ve been dead more than once. Everytime I die one of my other personalities saves me. I’ve died twice,thus I have two other personalites.
And Notyou? When I die for good i’ll be waiting in Hell for you. So you’d better look for some redemption…fast!
“I actually pissed off YOU? Notyou? Well,i’ve been dead more than once. Everytime I die one of my other personalities saves me. I’ve died twice,thus I have two other personalites.
And Notyou? When I die for good i’ll be waiting in Hell for you. So you’d better look for some redemption…fast!”
Fuck you!
Only one person can die more than once and that is me you fucking Marxist.
You better look out for me in hell with my rusty baked beans tin you faggoty fuck.
Marxist? …the hell? I am not at all religous. I detest god. You all hate for thinking that God is an ass? Fine. Don’t get me wrong,I don’t worship Satan or any one at all for that matter. You don’t believe that I have died before? Don’t doubt me. I don’t lie. Don’t piss me off or i’ll let Xavaru kill you.
And I am not a fag.