The friday of that week came fast, and every friday night there is some kind of ho down in the poorly decorated gym, where the “herd” gathers to cosort under a rusty dico ball and groove to Enya and Jewel. I normally would avoid such spicy activities, but having heard that “him” would be there I quickly jumped the chance to join in on the festivities.
I dicthed my go-carting plans, and told my friends I would meet them later at “The Rat Hole” (this little depressing coffie shop that we usually attend after go-carting fun).
I convinced a reluctant Marti to join me, and she and I jumped in her pinto and headed strait for the mishapen evening ahead.
Who ever said life is nothing like a movie was sadily mistaken, because when I walked into that gym, the world seemed to stop spinning for the GHHS freshmen. It was as if I wasn’t good enough to be at their dance, I wasn’t good enough to breath the same gym air. But after expencing that withdraw from the students, I came to the conclusion that I am not a person to them at all…. more like a case of hurpies…. you may not always notice me, but im there. I felt almost releved by my discovery… at least I was something to them right?
Instead of waisting my time I decided to start my search, but “him” was no where to be discovered. The lights darkened and a red one lit the room… then “Fade into you” by Muzzy Star begain to ring through out the speeker. And there he was… standing there… so perfact… so him….
I slowly started to move closer to my target… i swallowed hard trying to muster up enough courage to continue my motion toward him. I stopped… and turned around… finding that even though i was the human herpie… he probily wanted nothing to do with me… I felt a soft tap on my sholder
There he was, pearing into me… just standing there… silent… so “him”… and even though we never spoke, motioned, or though our bodies glided towards eachother and we danced… not just a dance… but something more… more then anyother emotion that I have ever felt before, stronger than love, or hate…. heaven nor hell could tare us apart in those 2 mins.
When the song ended… it was over we went outside into the parking lot and sat by Marti’s car for 30 mins… and talked.
The dance ended, the lights flickeder out, and he walked away…
“Him” has a name, Christian…. and I told him my name… Shanna. not the human herpie
love it, please continue this, i’d love to read it
hell yeah.. keep it going!
u accually got to talk to him! good for you! keep writing!