Time Enough For Beauty Sleep

I don’t wannna wake up…I’m having this great dream where the singer/guitarist of my favorite band is making love to me…
Damnit, I’m gonna kill whoever’s making that noise, and robbing me of my beauty sleep…

What IS that? Huh…it sounds kinda like the noise of dirt hitting the lid of a coffin at a funeral…
Sigh…I guess I’ve slept long enough anyway…but I’m so comfy! These sheets feel like satin…This matress is kinda hard though….ok, get up, open your eyes, girl.
OWWW!!!! MOTHERFUCKING SONOFABITCH! When did the ceiling become five inches from my face??! Oh. My. God. This is a…..
I’m in a…….no,no,no,NO! This can’t be happening! I’m not dead! I’m moving around, I’m breathing, I’m fucking hyperventilating!
Stop it! STOP! I’m not dead! You can’t throw dirt on me! YOU CAN’T BURY ME ALIVE!!
Oh God…I always hated that sound…the dull thud…it’s final…it’s dead….
But I’m not dead! Can’t you people hear me?? Stop it! Oh God, I don’t wanna die! I’m only 17 for fucks sake! I’m supposed to be a rock star, and marry a hot guy and live happily ever after and shit!!
What’s the matter with you people??!! Can’t you fucking hear me?! Can’t you hear me screaming and sobbing and banging on the lid of my fucking COFFIN??!!!
Stop it! Don’t do this to me!! You can’t do this! I’m not dead! Can’t you hear me??!

I’M NOT FUCKING DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!