To the Drumbeat

A mist covered the land that I looked upon in the early morning. I never enjoyed the
morning but all night my dreams screamed at me to get up. Finally I consented, woke,
dressed, and stepped outside in the chilly, yet humid spring morning.

On impulse, I walked down the overgrown trail towards the open, green fields and
flowing water. Soft sprinkles came down and I ridded myself of my clothes, enjoying
every moment of the cold dew and rain on my body.
I walked to a tiny clearing of cedars near the stream. The rocks in the water
seemed to form steps curving around a growth of trees. I hesitantly put my feet in the
water and proceeded along the steps. I parted two trees that grew across the water and
stepped through, into another clearing. The mist settled on the tops of trees creating
webs and streamers, droplets glistened like jewels. Green and health surrounded me.
And the moment that I set my foot inside, drumming filled me. My head pounded with
every beat and my body moved to the drums in a way I had never known before, as I
made my way around, the world changed. Every tree I brushed swayed with me, and
iridescent colors swirled around. The joy that exploded with every drumbeat filled me up
till it shone through my skin, lighting all around me.
I splashed back through the parted trees and down the steps. I looked up and saw
the sun pulling itself over the horizon. I looked back through the trees and saw the night
tucked away in a place called Joy.

By Hateful Tears

Yeah nothing interesting here.


  1. What is this doing here? Is this a “joy and light” post in a Darkness forum, or did I miss something?

    No offense meant by the above. What you wrote was ok, I just didn’t expect to see it here and I’m not sure whether I understood it.

  2. I guess i just wanted to show that sometimes there is more to life than sadness and misery. Don’t grudge me a good day.

  3. first of all this is dark because she goddamn well thinks so, asshole, and another thing if twinkies arn’t at the goddamn corner store then I’m goin to rob the place! thats right goin to git me shotgun and blow up some pigeons and then I’m goin to fiiind that there Barney fella and rip him a new waterin hole! and then I am going to hunt for the Red October, come with me and we’ll have a wonderful time gorgeous. OR you could help me, Ringo Star, dig a hole in The Rock so we can make a pit to smoke up in “-~ wheeee the Majestic Land Manitee is coming to eat me mr.Teletubby SAVE MEE! ITS GOT MY LEGS! MYYY LEEEEGGS!

  4. Honestly, I’m sorry to Hateful Tears for my post. It didn’t come off as I wanted it too; I had thought I had misunderstood something in the piece. I would never grudge anybody a good day. I’m so used to seeing the dark posts in here that when I saw something that wasn’t dark, I thought I had read it wrong or something. Sorry about that.

  5. Yeah i guess i took your post the wrong way, what can i say i was blindly pissed. But i guess thats how being pissed is, being blinded.

  6. Did the beat go “Parumpupumpum?”

    The Post isn’t dark and all but its pretty imaginative. But morbid. It’s kinda like a dream stage. Being all alone free of the world and in the forest! Brrr… I bet you caught pneumonia when you came home. Sometimes I too fantasize a perfect untouched setting. It sort of gives me solace.

    Keep up the spirit of enlightenment!

  7. I though it was nice. Something I would write. Except I write things that make sense in way, but have no meaning at all, or is that the other way around? Well anyways, It was a cool poem, but I thought it should have been a little darker. well done.

  8. Damn right the beat went parumpupumpum 😉 I love thinkin about untouched places, and creating things i have another story thats sorta about creation itself, but its as a joint thing i’ll have to post it sometime gotta type it first tho. This story was about keepin the night safe and bringing in the day because that is inevitable. Just wanted to get that fact straight i guess i shoulda put that explanation along with my story.

  9. Hmm… You know, your name doesn’t suit your posts. Change it to LOVABLE TEARS? Hahahaha! LOL! Sorry, don’t mind me please. Keep posting! I’ll be waiting for your next one.

    At least it gives me time for imagining tonight.

    Rock on! Ü

  10. GOD DAMN I’M GONNA RIP OFF UR FACE AND SHOVE IT UP UR ASS SO FAR U’LL BE ABLE TO SEE WHERE I LOST MY SHOE AFTER KICKIN UR ASS LOSTWORDS!! I GOTS ME A BONE TO PICK WITH YOOS!! HEHYUCK! *hits the moonshine abit too hard and falls over* anyways, I says to mable I says “Mable you’re too old to drive that tractor, I can’ts let yoos drive it” and thats when she ran over my right leg and my dog Skipper Jenkins 🙁 And then the captain of the that gay Star Trek ship tried to throw me out, but it was space so we were sucked out and crushed because of the damn vacuum! and the tin about those vacuums is that you can’t breathe, so I couldn’t smoke my weed, I was pissed! then I started floating towards the sun and I thought I might get “baked” AHAHAH stoner humour. anyways I was sitting there in the Rock with Nicholas Cage and Ringo star taking the biggest hoot from this huge bong made out of a bedframe! it was grand fun lad! now if u can find my legs, I think they’re trapped under that magnificent Land Manitee! I saw a 5 year old THING that weighed 230 pounds and it was supposedly human *shudder* thats what a TRUE Land Manitee is, it was king/queen? of the Land Manitees!

  11. Yeah Hateful Tears you fucker, if only you weren’t prancing through the barbed wire at Auschwitz and accidentally moseyed into a chamber and felt the burning gas tear through your system like a shot to the back of the head you whining little bitch.

  12. hateful tears ur a jew arent u??
    if u are get the fuck off this site before i castrate ur sorry ass with a rusty pitchfork. damn jews piss the hell out of me. sorry ass good for nothins. THE HOLOCAUST WILL RETURN. and this time we ill make sure we wipe out ur little species. damn jews

  13. and quiet one u need to stop being so damn nice, that kinda shit will get u killed, quiet one why dont u do me a favor and go get the gun thats under mommy and daddys bed, put the tip in your mouth, say top yourself “i dont deserve to live, im to damn quiet!” and thebn pull the damn trigger. can u do that for me quiet, can u?

  14. If only you hadn’t asked me to kill myself, I might have been tempted too. I certainly was in the past. But since you want me too, I’m going to stay alive and be nice to everybody else just to annoy you. And as far as I’m concerned, you people are too damn LOUD with all your nonsense, and need to be a little more quiet!

    What the hell is up with some of you people (Melancholy Gnome, “insertnamehere”, killyourfamily)? Are you guys on drugs? Are you trying to copycat notyou? Because if you are, you’re doing a really lousy job of it.

  15. goddamn racist morons, I kill you kill you all! go back to the trailer park that spawned and keep up your “training”, basically shooting squirells with an air rifel you useless peices of shit. Don’t bother to even respond, you’re too fucking retarded! now get out of the grave, quit fucking Hitler and don’t forget to Heil him you pathetic excuse for a fucking intelligent being hell you can’t even see past some minimal differences you stupid shits. now shutup, quit attempting to make fun of tears or i’ll fucking go through this god damn computer screen, rip off your face and suck out your fuckin organs! have a nice fucking day!

  16. you fucking dumb ass we all go to a drum beat not every single drum beat is the same unless you copy anothers drum beat. stop posing and make your own fuckin drum beat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. quiet it doesnt annoy me when u be happy, it just makes me want to hunt u down and beat ur sorry jewish ass even more.

  18. Squirrels and Hitler??? What does that have to do with anything? I thought you hated jews, not Germans?

  19. Well lets see, No i’m not a Jew. Though if i was i would definately be proud of it. And I can’t be castrated just so you know AND if i could be castrated and you used a rusty pitchfork, i’d be ok because i just got my tetnus shot on friday. But yeah what the fucks everyones problem anyways? Damn

  20. Melancholy Gnome,
    You are implying we are from a trailer park when you cannot spell simple words like the following? “Squirells”, “air rifel”, “peices”, “shutup” and “fuckin”. Nice argument you have there.. fucking moron.

  21. woah KYF I was being nice, making an effort to spell the way you incestual little rednecks do…last time I go out of my way to help you understand what the people with some intelligence are talking about you dumbass. Now you ignorant habitually dog fucking hyrophant calling someone a Jew is only an insult if one of your little nazi wannabe buddies reads it and even then it’s only an inside joke you imbecile. Now you’re not very entertaining anymore, you’re useless now, go play in the street or better yet you can play Hide and Go Fuck You’reself 🙂

  22. melancholy prick stfu, nobody wanst to hear ur cock filled moth, and quiet one, thats a REALLY good reason not to kill yourself, ooooh, since insertnamehere told me to kill myself, and i was already planning on doingit anyways, i should do it just to make him mad, THATS REAL INTELLIGENT, that doesnt make me mad, it just means u get to live longer while ur dad pounds ur ass every night as punsihment for not taking out the trash like u were supposed to, or atleast ur dad THINKS its punsihment, but we all know u love it when the tip of his dick first enters ur forsaken dirt hole, u love that feeling so much, u never take out the trash. devoureofcocks, why dont u why dont u stop fingering ur little coin slot for a minute, and take a second to see that, U SHOULD HAVE KILLED YOURSLEF ALREADY, why havent u??
    did u forget? u need to, nobody wants u hear, nobody would notice when ur gone, leave this place, go to hell where u can have all the man loving sex u want to.

  23. sea u know i luv it…
    but i think some of u ppl are confused you cannot have the darkness that we all love so much with out light. the two are dependent so light has its place in the darkness.
    o by the way ppl hatefultears is prolly the best name to describe the person.

  24. faded, shut up, plz, “you cannot have the darkness without the light”
    thats so gay, YES YOU CAN! without light…what would there be?????????
    thats right, there would be DARKNESS.
    so u can have darkness without light, if that was an attempt to be a good metaphor, u FAILED.

  25. Interesting concept it could work both ways but still thats a way i never really looked at before.

  26. I don’t know what I like better… darkness or light. If I’m exposed to light I melt and fall apart but if i’m exposed to darkness I turn into a werewolf. lol

  27. I guess the grey area? Light brings on too much guilt, and dark makes you remember times when you were “happy” so just a lil of both 😉 how original huh


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