Todays Journal

Damn crap day. Not too crap, just not great..

Got woken up by mother on earlies leaving the house. wow she brought me a cup of tea, great she also kicks me out of bed.
Breakfast: Actimel (damn those things are addictive), a plum.

I was actually reasonably early for school today, considering I quickly had to finish off some maths coursework in the morning… Felt like crap though.. Sooo tired!

Zoe tries to make conversation the whole way to school.. How can she be so active so early each morning?? I envy her!! We talk about stuff, just usual chat.

Lesson 1: Maths. Woop-tee-fucking-doo! I get laughed at for some unknown reason, then I get moved away from my friends to the other side of the room for talking. I sit infront of Mr. Annoying who spends the rest of the morning singing “Why why why Delila…” which happens to be my ultimate worst song in the world and gets in my head and drives me mad.
I decide not to hand in my coursework, and to do it again properly tonight. My excuse (with is 70% true) works and I get let off… Wow maybe today might be a good day!

Lesson 2: P (fucking) E. Who invented this lesson??? Rugby. And we don’t even get to play proper rugby today, ’cause some bitch decides she was told we were inside, and moans enough to persuade the teacher to let us play tag-rugby on the tennis courts. It was FREEZING! I got stuck on the team without my one friend in the lesson, which I suppose didn’t bother me too much, ’cause I’m laid back enough not to let it.

Assembly: Lay out chairs. Must be feeling bothered. Don’t talk all through. Wow. Crap assembly, boring as hell.

Lesson 3 was just normal, History, which, I have to say, was the highlight of my day, for no reason apart from that it is OK.

Lunch: (After lesson 4, but that’s next) Ham and Lettuce sandwich. Didn’t do a whole lot. Sat in the sun.

Lesson 4 and 5: Double textiles. Boring as hell. Bunch of giggly, ‘townies’ (excuse my judging!) who stick a CD in the player and have the whole lesson on repeat – “I’m Miss Dynamite – EE – EE!” Oh.. My.. GOD!!! My teacher gives me an odd look asking why I am so quiet today, “tired”. “Why are you tired” …. errrrr *thinks* “coursework all night” Well it stopped her from asking and getting her nose in. There’s nothing worse than a teacher who wants to know you’re problems. Last time a teacher tried to get involed asking “Is something bothering you recently?” I simply said “Nope” and walked out…

I’ve got home and felt down about being stuck inside, especially as it’s sunny for once. For a start, I don’t really have any good friends round my house who I would go out with, and I don’t go out much anyway cause I hate just walking round doing nothing. Living where I do there isn’t a whole lot else to do. Plus I’m just lazy. I guess that’s no one’s fault but mine.

OK, so today wasn’t all that bad. Nothing really happened that made me wanna cry. I was in such a crap mood and nothing happened that made me happy. Nothing that made me think “That day was OK” Now my puppy has chewed part of my Mom’s running trainers… £60, oops! They’re not too bad..

Sorry if you don’t want this on the site, sorry if you think it should be on a diary site or somewhere, if anybody has a deadjournal, I would appreciate it if they could get me the “code” (?! I tried to sign up and u need a code from an existing person)
I used to write in a diary, but I stopped gradually. From time to time I update. I thought it’d be interesting when I’m older. That was before I ever did get depressed and it turned into a Moany Bitchy Depressing book ;p

By BrokenDreams

Im.. me... Theres not much to say really...