
Your gaze, your eyes run over me I feel it burning in to my skin. I feel the lust comeing from your body. You know how to wind your word in to my mind. You have the konwlege, the over powering gift of lies. You gain my trust whith the lies you tell. Your hand, your touch takes it power. Your goel is made your lies are hrush. My mind is set on the pointless thought that you are true, but with in your grasp is my trust and you take that and sorw. You don’t let the thought of the pain I let you pass over me hurt you. I give in to your touch, your lies, your charms. You word words wind though my mind though my heart. Your hands leave scares of unkept peromeses. Your mind was set you hand no other wants except to score the gole of an untouched soul.

By DarkRainMaiden

I live in a small town in my own world. I don't try to block people out but they don't seem all the wanting to enter in to my life. And that is ok less heartach. I like to meet peopel and talk see if my thoughts are alone and see what other kind of though