It was just another plain night. I went for a walk because Dad was out of town again and mom was sleeping already. I had many things on my mind. I missed my father, we weren’t as close as we used to be.
It was just another plain night. I went for a walk because Dad was out of town again and mom was sleeping already. I had many things on my mind. I missed my father, we weren’t as close as we used to be. We never got to talk when he was in town. I was also thinking about that new girl in my science class…why was I feeling like that about her? Whenever she let her long black hair whip around as she walked I couldn’t help but get a little turned on. Did that mean I was bi or something? I mean..I did like girls better than guy and I’d never fooled around with either because of my extreme shyness. Suddenly a figure emerged from around the corner. Oh, I knew him-sort of. He was in my grade in school, Sean I think. Yea Sean. I didn’t know him very well but I always him and his friends listening to rap and freestyling in the hallways. He was a real wigger. “Hey-you got the time?” he looked at me. “No sorry” I started to walk away. “I know you…Milena. You’re in my grade eh?” And why is he talking to me? “Yea I am. You’re Sean right?” He grunted in response. “So why’re you out at this hour?” “Just going for a walk..nothing better to do.” I tried to sound airy and calm. “So yea…This is what you goths do in your spare time? Walk?” Woa..what a dickhead. “Sure whatever.” “Don’t whatever me Sexy.” Sexy? I’m liking him less and less every minute. “Sexy?” “’re pretty fuckin’ hot” He leaned in and started kissing me. “We just met like ten seconds ago” “Who cares” was his suave response. “meh whatever” I might as well do something with somebody before I die! He slid his hands around my waist and tried to get them up under my top “Fucking corset” he muttered. Foiled in action he lifted me up on top of him and slid inside me. Talk about cutting to the chase. Ouch. This was painful and boring. And he’s ugly. Why am I doing this? Hmm…OH. I can use it as an experiment to see whether I like guys or not. I don’t think I do. Ha ha…I jump off. “Hey whatcha doing?” Oh no..he looks pissed. “Uh I have to go home-it’s late.” “Too bad..I’ll see you tomorrow Sexy.”
The next day at school I couldn’t feel more regretful. Why had I done that? Well you learn from your mistakes I guess. Oh there he is. I should go talk to him about it. “Hey..umm about last night. Uh well I don’t think we should, you know, date or hang out or stuff…” I trailed off. “Date? Hang out? Sorry I don’t like ugly goths.”
Ha ha, I really liked this. I love the way he just seems like he’s not too smart or something. You know, sort of like Bevis and Butthead or something like that. I liked it, you should keep writing.
i agree, very gd