
i’ve lost myself
i don’t know where
i’m bleeding now
i couldn’t care

i’ve lost myself
i don’t know where
i’m bleeding now
i couldn’t care
my hand it slipped
it was an accident i swear
i will hide it by the clothes that i wear
nobody shall ever
have to know
that i have my own scars
that i don’t wish to show
its not my fault
nor that of a foe
that when the blade calls
i just can’t say no
a perfect angel
that i can never be
unlike you i have problems
deep inside of me
the scars were no meant
for you to see
now that you have
you will try to help
it is just a lilttle cut
the skin enjoys the tear
this is my burden
that only i want to bare
i don’t want you to stare
or for you to worry
all that i really want
is for you to pretend not to care

By Peaches

i am 14, getting ready to be out of school for the summer and i will b a freshman at north buncombe high school next year. i have my tongue and my belly button pierced. i have had a hard life that not many ppl understand.