People who claim to be knowledgeable about such things predicted VENOM: LET THERE BE CARNAGE would make, at most, about 70 million bucks. It brought in over $90 million, blowing past their most optimistic projections by 20 million. That’s not just exceeding expectations. That’s blowing those expectations right out of the water. Venom and Carnage flat-out killed it at the box office.
Why is this a cause for celebration, aside from the obvious, that we’re guaranteed a sequel? Because it strikes a definitive blow for the theatrical experience. VENOM: LET THERE BE CARNAGE was *not* released to livestreaming at the same time and on the same day as it opened in the theater. If it had, it wouldn’t have made anywhere close to as much bank. Movie studios cannot deny the obvious, that movies that release exclusively to theaters make more money. *Lots* more money. Why then would they choose to release their movies to livestreaming, as is becoming more common, and leave money on the table?
The success of the movie also puts to rest the myth that people won’t go to the movies because they’re afraid of deltarona. They obviously will. It just depends on the movie.
Long live the theatrical experience! Suck it, livestreaming!