Warped Reality

alright i have a question for you all about a friend, a bitch no wait i take that back a truly loving wonderful human being that i just dont know what to do with. someone, anyone please help.

i know that at heart she really is a good person and means well but i cant get over something she said to me. it was soon after i had broken up with my boyfriend, i loved that kid and think that i always will though he treated me like shit(thats why i dumped him.) i was feeling really suicidal, not becaue of the breakup though that did come at a very inconvienant time, but just because i am bi-polar with a severe underlined depression. sometimes i cant help it when i get down and this was one of those times. i dont have a particularly hard life though its not exactly heaven, and i dont pretend to be some victim in my life. my friend told me to call her if i needed to talk about anything, she told me she would be there for me if i needed her. when i called her up and explained that i was really doing poorly she responded with: “no offense but you have no reason to complain, you are fucked up, you have a disgustingly warped veiw of reality and you need to be locked up. even if they fucking lock you down in a dog pound it would be right because no body can help you, and i dont care to try anymore, all you do is hurt people.”

i cryed, i was crushed to find that she could pull herself to say such hurtful things. i dont think i am as fucked up as she makes me out to be and i am not out to hurt anybody. would any of you say that to your best friend who happens to be in a highly fragile state, or even just in general?

By lostcause109

for any of those reading this i want you to know that i am confused on why i was ever born... if anyone can help please email me. i will be forever grateful.



    How are you feeling right now?
    In regard’s to your friend, I believe that she reacted this way, as she didnt think twice about what she was saying. Or maybe she was having a hard time at home when you rang her? You must take into consideration these thing’s before you add her to your mental hitlist.

    If you honestly feel alone, upset, suicidal. Then find way’s to vent your feeling’s, cutting yourself, changing your appearance may work for some people. But these method’s might not ( hopefully not cutting yourself!) work for you!

    Just remember, if you cut yourself, it become’s addictive and can be hard to cover, please dont try it though.

    If you would like to talk more, e mail me.

  2. she doesn’t sound like much of a friend. or even “a truly loving wonderful human being.” she sounds more like a bitch to me. sounds like she has some serious issues she needs to be dealing with.

    giving her the benefit of the doubt, she could have been having a rough time with something that you don’t know about. you may have just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. don’t take her words to heart. know that i’m here for you.

    what you might want to do is try approaching her in a few days and ask what the deal is. if she still gives you shit, then fuck her cuz you don’t need friends like that.

    best of luck to you.


  3. I can understand your friend may be having a hard time with your bi-polar nature at the moment. I have a friend with bi-polar and understand that there is no control sometimes and he gets really really badly depressed and down on himself. Your friend may not be able to cope with this extreme right now, or hasn’t come to terms with how depressed you can get, hasn’t learned yet to be patient and let some of it settle and pass.

    Maybe she doesn’t think your ex-boyfriend was such a bad guy either. Maybe she doesn’t really know what you went through with his treatment of you…so you might have to try and tell her what it was. I’m taking a guess that he didn’t really understand your state well enough.

  4. dont cut urself its addictive…my friend has bi-polar and i have a depressive dissorder and we help eachother out i think ur friend should learn that u need her sometimes and she CAN help and she needs to stop being a bitch…

  5. Heh …. was she stoned by any chance?

    Erm, they’re right, she might have been going through some shit, or you might have inadvertently hurt her, or she might have just been thoughtless, or something like that.

    But if one of my friends talked to me like that I’d kick ’em in the head.

    The thing is, our friends are the people who support us and show us that we’re good people. There are so many people out there just waiting to make us feel bad about ourselves, and we do NOT need to add friends to that list.

    But then again, you got to understand that everybody makes mistakes. Tell her to her face that you’re going through alot of serious shit right now, and you’ll let her get away with hurting you once but only once. *Never again*. Then put it out of your mind, and if she does it again then it means she doesn’t value your friendship at all. That’s when you walk away.

  6. Hun, always remember that no one is perfect. People are always saying and doing things they don’t mean. At the end of the day if she didn’t mean it she’ll apologise and all will be well. And if she did mean it she won’t get in touch and you’re better off without her.

  7. I understand that you need someone to talk to whever you feel this way, but have you ever asked her if SHE’S alright? If SHE needs someone to talk to? I’ve always been a bit of a sounding board for some of my friends, especially the close ones, and if they come to me too often in the same week or whatever I start to feel bad too. I worry about them and start to run out of the right things to say. I totally understand that what you go through is hard, and I would definately say that she went WAY overboard with her comment, and should have appologised, if not straight away then the next day. But it can be hard for those you turn too, just as it is hard for you. She’s probably tired of feeling worried about you, and this is only because she cares. Now a true friend will get over her own feelings and still be there for you, her feelings are no reason for you to stop seeking her help. I consider it the greatest show of faith and trust that people come to me with their problems, and it makes me feel special. I would never want them to stop seeking my help, it’s just sometimes I need to vent, and they turn it back on what’s wrong with them. Ask her how she’s feeling, you may not expect what she answers.

  8. personally, I would kill her just to show her how you can REALLY hurt people. But, hey, that’s just me.

  9. A friend of mine did something like that to me once….only it was physical as well as amotional. The thing is, I wanted to understand his point of view so I dug deep inside and tried to find what I was doing wrong. I shut up. I stopped talking, and sometime it felt as though I would blow up with everything I was holding in, But I found the strength to keep myself sane. I feel good that I listened…although He could’ve been nicer, but it worked. In your case, I don’t agree as much. It sounds as though your friend Offered their help when you needed it…and when you needed it you’re friend completely shut you down. Maybe they were going through something as well. You definately CAN hate this person, it would be understandable if you did. But if you think this friendship is worth something, you can work it out. If your friend comes up with, “it’s all in your head” bullshit, drop them. Cause when They go to you for support, and you even think of giving them the same talk, they’ll drop you faster than you’ll imagine.

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