Weapons-Weapons-Weapons-What’s your favorite?

What’s your favorite weapon? It can be one that you carry, would carry or would never carry. Perhaps it is one that you most enjoy seeing in movies or in literature. Weapons center energy upon themselves and serve the function of many symbols. Which one speaks to you the strongest?

By Kopfjager

"Gawd knows what they are-...-a bastard mess of stewing mongrel flesh, without intellect, repellent to eye, nose, and imagination-would to heaven a kindly gust of cyanogen could asphyxiate the whole gigantic abortion, end the misery, and clean out the pla


  1. My choice of weapons would be a DESERT EAGLE 5.0

    This choice is based around my like for pistols and sheer practicality. The weapons size means you can maintain it on your body with relative invisability whilst when you draw it, they know exactly what it is that is about to bring death to them. Although a rifle has more potential, it lacks the ease of movement that this “heavy” pistol has. I am not a gun freak, but i have enough rifle and pistol experience to know what i am capable of. Its a shame really that it is illegal to own one where i live.

  2. A knife. I have always contemplated on what it would be like to bring death to myself or my enemies with the sharp gleaming blade of a daggar. You ask us this question without telling us yours, so tell me, which is your poison? Your prefered? I’d appreciate an answer.

  3. Sawwed-off shotgun with lead dust ammo. The ammo is what really does it for me. It only has an effective range of 10 feet but it liquifies whatever it hits in those ten feet.

  4. Swords. Relatively easy to use (Or at least I think so), And its fun to watch people use them. Got one hangin on the wall. Its pretty:) My roleplay persona keeps one on his back under his trenchcoat. Its fun. Wait. Swords and this one battleax I drew. Specifically designed for me. Ill scan and upload it when I start making another webpage. Well, Yeah. Ok. Im out.

  5. Physically? The Cinqueda. A dagger designed in the early sixteenth century in Italy. It is the ideal hand to hand dagger in a tight street fight, the forte of the blade is five fingers wide and runs to a sharp point. Both edges are sharp. The blade is long but the grip is small.
    It came about after carrying swords was made illegal in some city states due to vendetta and duelling. The cinqueda was as big as a dagger could be without being a sword, about twenty inches in some cases. It has the weight to slash or parry like a sword and the size to stab like a dagger, ideal for the confines of many sixteenth century Italian alleys.

    The best weapon will always be the unknown. “What you don’t know can’t harm you…”
    har har.

  6. my hands are my favorite weapon. if you’ve ever taken someone’s life with your bare hands, and also by using weapons, then you know why i say hands.

  7. A morning star. Crude, heavy and brutal, massive instruments of blunt trauma fascinate me. Actually, my ideal weapon would be something that I saw in a German museum. It is a combination of a military flail and a morning star. Picture a heavy flail with about a 5″ chain, with the striking part of it cruelly spiked.

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