I love you Michael…..I miss you so much. Why did you leave me, why did you leave me all alone? I don’t understand, where is my God? Why did you take him from me, I love him so much. I need him, I am so afraid…..I am so lonely without you Michael.
It is not your time, please come back! Please, I can’t do this without you. Your my air, I can’t breathe
without you! I thought you would never leave me, you said you would never leave me! Why did God do this to me, it is so unfair! He is my love, my soul. I am nothing without him, NOTHING! I hate my life, without you there is nothing left for me. You were my life, I lived for you, I gave my life for you……and you had to die on me! You left me in this awful world, without your beautiful face to help me through this. I need you Michael…..I NEED YOU!!!!!! Come back Michael! Please God give him back to me…. I will never be able to live again. I will never have my blessing, my love, my heart and soul. What have I got? I have nothing, Michael is gone… How could you leave me Michael? How could you give me the world, and in one second, take it away. Do you even hear me Michael? Why did you leave me here to cry of my broken heart! Just come back to me, please baby…….you have to.
I love you so much, and I will never love anyone again. I will love you forever, until we are together once again. I love you Michael.