where does poe go?

this has been eating away at the back of my mind for a couple days now. edgar allen poe. he wrote some pretty dark shit, and then some. but was he a bad guy? its not meant to make him seem like a good one, i am honestly clueless to whether he was a good man who just wrote the dark shit that was in his mind, or whether the darkness within him was on the outside too. (obviously some, he was a manic depressant and a drunkard) i mean, if you have all these dark freepy stories that you write but youre a good person, do you still go to hell b/c of the darkness inside your mind that you pour out into writing? or do you go to heaven, b/c you pour the darkness into writing instead of onto the people that you see every day? ~Justine

By thejustine

i hate things. im... messed.