I want to watch you die.
To hear you scream and cry.
I want to see the tears run down your face,
And your blood splattered all over the place.
I want to watch you burn in hell.
For all you did to me.
Watch the fire peel away your flesh
As the demon’s rip your rotted soul to shreds.
Maybe you should have thought twice,
About what you were going to do.
Maybe you should have killed me instead,
Because now, I’ll have my revenge.
I’ll tear the heart from your chest.
Watch as it beats and throbs,
Trying to make your body live on.
It’s diseased and black and disgusting.
I’ll rip each hair off your head.
Then pluck your eyes from their sockets.
I’ll keep you alive as long as I can,
So I can see you suffer, just like I once did.
I’ll slash you open
And watch your intestines fall to the floor.
I hope you piss yourself out of fear
Knowing that you’ll die when I am good and ready.
You’ll pay for what you did to me.
Of that I am sure.
I have it all planned out, you see.
And don’t worry,
It’s all for your own good.