With Pride

You’d like me to reveal myself;
with pride, I Shall.
You ask me what my nationality is;
with pride, I Tell.

You wonder “how’s life?”;
with less pride, I Utter my answer.
You’re curious of who I love;
with a smile, I Proclaim.
You want to know my religion;
with pride, I Exclaim.
You’ve insulted me;
with respect, I Forgive.
You want me to die;
with pride, I Yearn to.


Die todesengel kommt denn dein sterbestunde.
Eben, liegend in dein sterbebett,
wir wird will die totentanz..
krach schlagen! Hehehe.

Categorized as poetic

By GoddesS_of_DarknesS

-I try to settle things without violence. But sometimes, people just ask for it!