we were happy, two kids in love, only a month apart in age, you would do any thing to keep me happy, and me you, i would even kill for you, you knew that, you said i would never have to, but you gave me to chouse,
why did you make me do this to you, i never wanted to hurt you, i loved you, you knew i did, i would do any thing just so i could call you “my man”,
we were happy, two kids in love, only a month apart in age, you would do any thing to keep me happy, and me you, i would even kill for you, you knew that, you said i would never have to, but you gave me to chouse, i loved you josh, who could you do this to me, it happened the day i had to leave, i found you, you and my best friend, makeinout in your bed, soon after she leaves i find a condom on the side you your bed, you makeout with my best friend and fuck her, you where my frist, and i was suppose to be your only, we were happy until that day, i should have known, that day i saw you too, you were in the park, sitin side by side, a lil to close if you two were just friends, you mussed every thing up, you said that i would never have to kill for you, but you were wrong, that day i had to kill, i had to, to keep your love to myself, i was suppose to by the only one who made love to you, make you happy, wipe away your tears, alwayz make sure there was a smile on your face, i never wanted to hurt you or that bitch of a friend, i loved you with all my heart, i would give the world for you, why did you make me do this? i wanted to stay by your side and in your arms, i remember tha nights we would just lay on yor bed and you would just hold me in your arms, the frist kiss we ever shard, to the frist time we made love, i hate that this day had to come, it was night, i had to do what i needed to keep your love, i handcuffed you to your bed, you looked so happy, i will never forget the look on your face, and i know you wont forget the look on mine, i kissed you one last time, pulled out that dagger you gave to me on my birthday, our song was playin, “i fuckin hate you” by godsmack, it didnt seem like a normal love song, but we weren’t two normal kids in love, our love went farer then any one would have ever thought, im sorry i want to do this, but i loved you, with the dagger that you gave me, i cut your tout, you know i like the taste of blood, as i like the blood on your neck, you try to puch me off you, but you just remembered that you are handcuffed, as you blink your eyes for the very last time, i see tha sadness in them, how could i have done this to my one and only love? i didnt mean to do this, i love you, i lay down beside you, as i think of all the good times me had, i pull the trigger, never will i live in this world alone