You sure didn’t win the spelling bee.

(topic- writing)

This is going to sound extremely stupid but it’s one of the things that bother me the most. When people spell specific words wrong and it’s so damn simple. Words like this…

–Examples– [b]Tongue. Realize.[/b]
[b]Analyze.[/b] Judge.
Miserable. Insensitive.
Haunt. Happier.
Awkward. Suggestion.
Obvious. Oblivious.
[b]Beautiful.[/b] Gorgeous.
Actually. Eventually.
[b]Pierced.[/b] Science.
Wrapped. [b]Criticize/Criticism.[/b]
Fantasize. Absolutely.
Extraordinary. Fantastic.
Psychotic. Psychic.
Physical. Irritate.

All those words are the ones that people spell incorrectly most times. I don’t know why but it irritates me to see illiteracy. Especially in those who write stories and always have words flowing through their hands constantly. Yet still, they misspell the smallest of things. Would they stop to correct it? Most people wouldn’t. Those who care about what they say and how they present themselves would.

The words highlighted in bold are those that are misspelt most often, from what I’ve seen.

That list is not nearly as many words as I have in my head that are misspelt incorrectly on a daily basis by people that I know. The one word that bothers me the most…Tongue.
[i]Everyone[/i] spells it out “tounge” and it makes me want to slap them till they have it stuck in their head that it is to be spelled t-o-n-g-u-e. TONGUE.

In my submission, I can find at least 25 more words that are [b]not[/b] on my list that I could add.

If you’re one who doesn’t care how you spell as long as the point gets across then I am sorry if I have insulted you. And if anyone can find a word in this submission that [i]I[/i] have spelt incorrectly, humor me.



  1. fucking kudos to you man, it’s nice to see this site isn’t completely full of retards.

  2. Yeah, I can’t stand to see them either sometimes as I write quite a bit myself and read books quite a lot. The other thing that always gets me are these people who don’t seem to know how to use capital letters at the start of sentences…or when they refer to themselves with a small i.

  3. Yes. If they want people to read their work and take it seriously they should correct their spelling.
    Its fucking hard to read something and concentrate on what the author is trying to say when the author cannot spell.

    (ps. If I make spelling errors, it may be because I am from New Zealand, and therefore spell differently to Americans)

  4. I also cannot stand stand such things. I am a very literate person so you should not worry of my spelling things incorrectly. My handwriting is very sloppy and when I spell something wrong or I write it and it looks like crap I must immediately return to it and fix it or it annoys the hell out of me endlessly.

  5. You wrote stand twice by the way. You didn’t seem too focused when you were typing that.


  6. Ohh….crap…I believe I just contradicted myself. I was a little frustrated as my sister was irritating me with her boyfriend. I am sorry and I thank you for informing me of my mistake Intox.

  7. okay. humor me, but when i do comments, i don’t use capitals. i don’t know why, i’m a very literate person and have a high reading level (not the best but high). as for when i submit writing, yeah, everything is capitalized when it should be and spelled correctly (except maybe a word or two that i miss). but some other people, mostly those who are writing on high emotional levels may be more worried about getting what they have off of their chest. they may not care who reads it as long as it helps the pain.

  8. Okay, very good point. Excuse me, but I hadn’t thought of it in that way. Still it just makes it easier to read with Caps, no offence intended.

  9. hey tox,you seem yo be so conscious about spelling..thanks for reminding us about it.

    but do my,”i’s” need to be capitalized,the way voltarrens need it to be?

  10. I’m not saying you need to have everything perfect, but sometimes proper grammar and spelling do count.
    The lower case letters bother me at times also, but you just have to let it slide. Same with the spelling, I don’t correct every thing I read. I wouldn’t have enough time to do that.

    If you want to use shortcuts then do that, if you want to use little “I”s then you can. It’s your thoughts, and you are presenting yourself. If that is who you are then be it.

    I can’t change it even if I tried.

  11. Tox, you have a very good point.
    Mourning star, you also have a very good point.

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