You Will Not Gain My Sympathy!

There is being Gothic. Liking death, the darker things in life. And there is being stupid.

I recently had the unfortunate luck of dating what I call the “Traumas”. This is my own little mental label for a certain type of people. You know the kind, I’m sure. You have a cup of coffee with them, and the next thing you know you’re hearing about how life was rough. How their aunt locked them in closets and made them drink Clorox. Silly, insane stories that you know aren’t true. You could argue, “How do you KNOW they’re lying?” Well, the sad thing is, in this town you know everyone’s business. I was sitting with one of my friends as this dude told us he was a cannibal, he ate a pack of cigarettes because he was “hard core!” and that his aunt’s boyfriend molested him. She knew him (he didn’t even live with his aunt!) and all of this was a lie. I don’t really understand what people hope to gain my making this stuff up… there ARE kids out there who have terrible things happening to them every day, and the more people that lie about this stuff, the less they will be heard. It’s sad, if you think about it. And what’s even worse, alot of the kids I’ve met who did this were really great people, when they were just themselves.

By ClaudiaSyn

Read my site... find my soul. All that hokey bullshit.