You Wonder Why

You wonder why I cut myself. Can’t You see I hurt myself so that I can’t feel the pain that you cause me. You ask how I can do this to you and my family. Fuck you fuck my family they aren’t going through what I am. They don’t feel the pain each person inflicts.

They only see the scares left on my wrists. There is a scare for every person. The worse the scare the worse the person. All I can do is sit in the dark and cry waiting for the person that will change my life. Waiting for the person that realy matters. Waiting for the person that will hit the vien. As I do I fall to the cold, hard floor, bleeding. You stand above me laughing. I’m dying inside, I’m dying outside there’s nothing anyone can do to help me now. I never felt this way before, never want to feel this way again. It’s over this is the end. I finally found the person that hit the vien.